Karl's a time traveler?!

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(Karl's secret is revealed)

I don't know where I went with this, it was quite rushed and I didn't really have any ideas, I made this prompt a few months ago. Be mindful that I don't ship the content creators. (This oneshot has been edited)

Warning: Yelling and Cursing

Sapnap's P.O.V

"Quackity where is Karl?" I questioned sternly to Quackity after the battle had died down. "I don't know, he wasn't here." He replied looking around. "Over there." We walked over to the thing in the mountain. (I don't know man.) "Karl?" Karl jumped as he stood next to an open wall. He quickly covered it, "Hey guys..." he said nervously. I walked over to the now closed bookshelf. "What was that?" He wrapped his arms around me and burried his head in my chest. "What's what?" I sighed and Quackity took hold of Karl's hand. "Let's go back to Kinoko Kingdom." The others nodded.

The Next Day

Me and Quackity snuck back to the weird room early in the morning while Karl was still asleep. Quackity broke open the bookshelf and we went down the ladder behind.

"Woah, what is this?" I asked aloud. "No clue." I looked around at the posters. "The Masquerade, The Wild West, The Lost City of Mizu." I read the names of the posters aloud "This is really weird". "Agreed." Quackity said. There were also books in front of each poster.

After looking at the intricate designs we decided to read the books. They seemed to be diaries from what happened in the posters?

"So he's forgetting things slowly and seeing the future as well as the past. So he's a time traveler" I thought aloud. Quackity came up and hugged me. "We should talk to him." I nodded and we went back to out house.

Quackity's P.O.V

"Karl?" I said entering our bedroom. Karl was just sitting on the bed staring into space. "Hm?" He said not looking at us. "So about the room we saw yesterd-" He snapped his head towards us. "You went into the room?!" He yelled at me and Sapnap as we moved back a little. "If I made it obvious that I didn't want you there then why did you go back?!" This is the first time iv'e seen him mad. "I- we're sorry, we were curious and-" Karl interrupted Sapnap. "Enough, I would have told you if you asked but it's too late for that, i'm going to Ran's." He pushed past us.

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