Dude you good? (Part 2)

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TW: Blood, Knife, Cutting/Self harm, Language, Nightmares and Coulrophobia(Fear of clowns) (Fluff with Wilbur, Tubbo, Puffy and Phil). More might be added later I write the TW in the beginning. It was copied and pasted...

Ranboo P.O.V

I went to my room to treat my wounds a little better. I put cream that I brought with me on them. We had signs on the outside of our door that say asleep or awake. If we weren't there we take the sign off. So I went and put the sign to asleep then walked back into my room. I changed into a long sleeve shirt and some soft pajama pants. I never liked sleep because of the constant nightmares but whatever. I turned the light off and got in bed. Well here goes nothing...

Darkness consumed me and I felt like I was falling. Suddenly I landed at the entrance of a circus that was colossal. It was almost intimidating. I started to move closer to it but was stopped by a clown alley. I had Coulrophobia so I was terrified. "Come on in Ranboo..." How did they know my name?! They started to push me forward towards the circus tent. I was expecting a set with a tightrope but I was wrong. Inside there was a large clown alley and bloody knifes and machetes everywhere I looked. "You know how it feels and what it looks like so why are you so scared?" A clown slurred pointing at my fore arms. I wanted to scream but it felt like there was cotton in my mouth. Some clowns started to rip the acute weapons off the wall. I started to back up but the clown alley that welcomed me in were standing right behind me... weapons in there hands. I turned back around and all the clowns were around me, weapons raised. 

Then they slashed...

Wilbur P.O.V

Me and Phil were talking on the sofa till I heard my phone go off. He stopped talking when it went off knowing I wouldn't pay attention when distracted. I saw it was a message from Tubbo. It said "Can you go check on Ranboo with Phiol he's had nihgtmares when he satyed with me nad i'm worriesd becdause i'm not there."(Intentionally misspelled words)"Hey Phil, Tubbo  asked if we could check on Ranboo. Apparently he has severe nightmares." Phil nodded and we went upstairs and to Ranboo's room. 

I opened the door slowly expecting Tubbo to be lying or over exaggerating but when I entered they were crying. I looked and Phil worriedly and he gave the same expression. I looked back at Ranboo and walked over to the bed. I grabbed their hand shaking them lightly to wake them up. 

He woke up abruptly and Phil immediately grabbed his shoulder and other hand. He was hyperventilating. I sat on the bed and moved him on to me and hugged him. I didn't care if my shirt was getting wet, my friend was scared. Phil moved a little closer and rubbed circles on their back. I saw Phil text Tubbo if he was almost here and he said he's coming up now. 

A few moments later Tubbo came in the room. "Thank you guys i'll take it from here." Tubbo whispered while putting a hand on Ranboo's shoulder. "I'll stay, Phil if you want to go you can." I said. "I probably should so i'll just check in the morning." He gave a warm smile and was off. 

Tubbo filled Phil's spot after he left and Ranboo turned their head towards him. Tubbo rested his hand on the side of Ranboo's head and whispered something to them. "Hey Will i'm going to stay here for the rest of the night if you want you can leave." I nodded and Ranboo moved off of me so I could get up. Tubbo immediately put Ranboo's head on his lap and began stroking his hair. 

With that cute image in my head I left the room to sleep.

Ranboo P.O.V

I woke  up on Tubbo's lap and his arm around me. "Hey Ranboo, you good?" I nodded wiping excess tears. "Well good, i'm going to go to my room to get ready you should do the same." He said smiling wearily. I got off him and off the bed. I saw him take my sign off and put it to awake then shut the door. 

I waited till I didn't hear his footsteps and turned the nightstand around. I got the knife out and used the lighter to warm the tip again. I burned an area of my hand but I didn't care. I then cut 6 cuts, deep into my skin. I normally do 5 and lightly but I deserve extra pain for having people look after me. 

I then put on the light gauze and used the make up. The burn on my hand was visible but I don't think anyone will notice. I then got changed into a black t and some jeans with my mask. I let a sigh escape my lips. 

Then I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled. The door opened and Phil was standing there. "Hey mate, I just wanted to see if you were doing better." He asked. "I'm doing fine. You know you didn't have to check on me I was fine..." I said not thinking. "Well for one Tubbo told us to and you weren't fine. May I ask what it was about?" I sighed. "Clowns." He looked confused. "I have Coulrophobia meaning I have a phobia of clowns..." I mumbled barely audible. "Oh well sorry mate, I wish I could help." Phil said softly. "Thanks for the kind offer." He nodded and left. 

Just talking about clowns scares me and makes me shiver. After a few minutes of thinking I went downstairs. "Hey big man!" I chuckled lightly. "Hi Tommy." I said walking by him. I grabbed a portion and sat down next to Dream and Wilbur. "Hey you good man?" Wilbur whispered. "Yeah i'm fine now. Sorry for that..." I whispered back. "Don't worry about it but what was the nightmare about?" He question. "It was about clowns. I have Coulrophobia." I said guiltily. "I have a friend who also has Coulrophobia too so don't stress about it." He patted my hand and went to talk with Techno and Niki. I started to eat slowly. 

"What food not good." Dream said to me. "Nah i'm just tired and don't feel like eating." I replied tiredly. "You could go back to sleep after but you should eat before you regret it." He said then turned to talk to Puffy again. Hes right and I start eating again.


"You're making people worried about you, you little shit."

"Why can't you do anything right?"

I got up and said I was just using the restroom. I walked to the farthest restroom so no one could hear me. I shut and locked the thick door. I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked... pale? Why would I look pale. I feel fine. I think? I backed up and slid down the wall. Great more things wrong with me. 

I did even notice the tears streaming down my tears till someone knocked on the door taking me out of a trance I was in. I was just frozen. "Ranboo?" I heard Puffy's voice ring in my ears over and over again. "May I come in?" I hesitated before I answered "Yeah..." It came out dry and raspy but audible. "Can you unlock the door?" I moved toward the door, still on the floor. I moved back as she came in. When she fully came in she closed the door and locked it again. She then crouched down and put a hand on my shoulder. "What happened? You can tell  me anything." I took off my mask and she saw I was crying.  "I...I-"  She started to rub circles on my back as a sign of comfort. "V-voices..." I mumbled quietly. "What do these 'voices' say?" I think for a second if I should say. "They say i'm a coward and messed up or why are you living, die and stuff." I turned my head a little toward her and she was shocked. "I'm s-sorry, I-" She cut me off. "Shhh... it's fine, you don't have to say sorry for anything alright..." I nodded my head slightly. She unexpectedly pulled me into a hug. "If anything bad happens call me please. Please..." I nodded again. She pulled away and helped me wipe my tears. I gave her a small smile and she returned it. She stood up and I followed suit. 

When we got out of the bathroom I didn't feel like eating or going back to everyone else. Puffy noticed my hesitant actions and spoke up. "If you want i'll make you something later and i'll make a reason for you alright?" I nodded and mumbled a thank you before we headed back. Puffy grabbed my plate while I went upstairs to my room.

Puffy P.O.V

I grabbed Ranboo's plate and immediately got questions. "Puffy, is  Ranboo okay?" Dream asked curiously. "He's fine..." I said softly while putting Ranboo's plate in the sink then sitting back down. I saw all the worried stares but know one else pushed. I started to think back on what Ranboo had said. Voices? Especially what these "voices" tell him. I glanced at the stairs wondering. 

Are they okay?

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PART 2 sorry it took so long! but there are more to come as I said previously!

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