The Asylum

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(Techno and Ranboo meet in an asylum till they escape and 2 people finds them. They talked about not telling anyone till they purposefully make comments on what someone said.)

Warning: Language, Fluff, Panic attacks?, Asylum, Bombs, Blood, Needles, Torture and talk about asylums and torture.

Sorry they're mostly all sad but, y'know.


Techno's 12

Ranboo's 8

Ranboo's P.O.V

"Patient 2039, come out." The doctor said. I look at my arm and move closer to 2040. "2039, now." I didn't go. The doctor sighed and walked into the room. I moved even closer to 2040 and he put an arm around me. The doctor pried me away from 2040 and I started screaming till I felt something sharp pierce my neck and blacking out.

I woke up in a chair, tied and started to scream again. "Will you shut the fuck up!" A doctor yelled and I immediately did. I looked up and saw a bucket... of water. No, no, no, no I can't. I heard the doctors counting down. I then felt pain shoot through my whole body and the pain not stopping. I let out a high pitched scream and the doctors all looked shocked. I then saw a doctor walk into the room. I screamed again, mostly and the pain but also to look intimidating. I then felt the needle pierce my skin again.

This time I awoke to 2040 being thrown back into our room, covered in minimal blood. I scrambled over to him and practically jumped on him, embracing him. He returned the embrace whispering things to me.

2 years later Techno's 14 and Ranboo's 10 same P.O.V

"Alright, you have the bomb?" 2040 asked me. "Yeah," I replied setting it down by the wall. "Alright, 3, 2 ,1!" and with that 2040 lit the bomb and we backed away. It exploded the wall and the sirens went off. We ran as fast as we ran away from that horrific place and towards the woods.

Time skip Techno's P.O.V

Me and 2039 were now in a cave, 2039 sleeping. I realized that if we wanted to go out we would need names. What name would I want? Tal or maybe Tech- Techno? Yeah Techno sounds cool. I'll have to ask 2039 when he wakes up, in the mean time I could draw on the wall with rocks.

Time skip :) Sorry

I hear 2039 stir and move back toward them. "Hey," I say. They sighed. "So I realized we needed names so I named myself Techno." I said informing him on what I was thinking about earlier. "Techno, just Techno, I feel like you should have a more powerful name. Maybe Technoblade?" He said. Technoblade. "Yeah, and Techno can be short for Technoblade." He nods. "Now what do I want to be called?" They said thinking aloud. I shrugged. "Well I know I have two sides named Ran and Boo as you know the voices talk about it all the time, so maybe Ranboo?" Yeah those voices are so annoying, like, why did they connect our thoughts? "Ranboo's cool." I said. Then we heard someone walking and Ranboo ran over to me. "You want me to check?" I asked. "Be careful." They said, I moved to the entrance. I saw a man wearing a green kimono with a bucket hat, he had blonde hair and dark wings. There was also a kid around my age I assume wearing a yellow sweater and red beanie. I see the boy notice me and I quickly get out of sight. "Someone saw me." I said. "Someone bad or-" I shook my head. "I don't think so." I then hear footsteps. Shit, I went over to Ranboo and hugged him. They hugged me back. "Hello?" I heard someone ask. I let go of Ranboo and turned around standing in front of them. "Who are you?" I asked and they noticed us. "See I told you dad!" The boy said to the older man. "Hi there, i'm Philza but you could call me Phil and this is Wilbur." I looked them up and down. "I'm Technoblade or Techno and they're Ranboo." I said having some kind of hope. "What are you guys doing here?" The older man said looking around the cave. "We escaped an asylum because they were hurting us." I said bluntly. They looked shocked. "May we could help you?" The older man said. I looked out Ranboo and he nodded. "Sure..." I said unsure but trusting Ranboo. "Follow us." and we exited the cave.

Mcyt one shots (TEMP HIATUS + SLOW UPDATES)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon