Ranboo and Wilbur meet at the train station (Part 2)

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Warning: Friendly love not y'know the other type like it's just them being friends okay. Also in this AU Wilbur watched over Ranboo and he told Ranboo that before everyone came so they see each other as brothers but don't admit it.

I open eyes to... church prime? Wait what am I doing here? I look over and see Wilbur confused as well. Here looked more dangerous now from the moon light shining on him. "Ranboo what are we doing here-" He looks down. "Alive..." ALIVE! Omg were alive! Wait no I don't want to be alive. Everything bad happened when I was alive. "You okay?" Wilbur asked. "No not really I don't want to be alive I had too much on my back..." I explained. "Well you're technically restarting so it might not be that bad." I nodded. We both got up and started walking to L'manberg. "Woah did I do this?" I shook my head. "No there was another war..." Will nodded. "Oh my well what happened?" He looked at me. "Techno, Dream and Phil blew it up..." He made an 'ohhh' face. We were standing on the obsidian looking at the destruction until I heard somebody yell. "Ghostboo?! Ghostbur?! Where are you!" Tommy's voice echoing through out the land. Wilbur scoffed. "Ghostboo and Ghostbur." He mumbled barely audible. I looked back just in time to see everyone look up at me and Wilbur. "Ghostboo?!" Tubbo yelled. Wilbur stepped beside me from behind. "Who the fuck is Ghostboo I just see Ranboo and me!" Wilbur yelled. "Ranboo and-" Tubbo was cut off by Phil running past him. He immediately hugged Will. "Hi dad..." Will hugged back. Tubbo came running next and hugging me. So did Tommy and even Techno. Tommy and Tubbo let go to calm down and Techno came over and put a hand on my shoulder. "Y'know I was worried about you." I was shocked. Him worried about me out of all people? I mean his brother is right behind me and he focused on me? Phil then came and hugged me quickly as well. "I'm so glad you both are okay." Wilbur came and put an arm around my shoulder. "And i'd be glad to call me and Ranboo friends." He said with a smile. "Sure!" All of the people who came to find us were up here now. Including... Sam. I didn't like Sam I decided, he killed me to get back at Techno and I was not for it. He came closer and stopped in front of me and Wilbur. I could feel Will get defensive. "Calm down Wilbur i'm not gonna hurt them." Wilbur just leaned his head on my shoulder and squeezed my shoulder a little harder protectively and grabbed my hand with his open one. "Speak." He sounded cold. "I just want to say i'm sorry and-" Wilbur cut him off.  "Alright story over, we're not going to accept the pathetic apology and we'll be on our way. Come on Phil, Techno." They came and we started to go back to Phil's house.

When they got home Phil P.O.V

I wonder why Will is so protective over Ranboo. What happened when they were gone that made them close. "Hey Phil." Techno snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I answered also in a whisper because he whispered. "How are they so close already?" He asked as if he could read my mind. "I don't know mate, somethin' must've happened wherever they were." Techno nodded. "I would definitely pin them as friends even if Ranboo is definitely different from Wilbur." I nodded. "I would have to agree." I giggled quietly.

Ranboo P.O.V

When we got inside I sat down on the sofa. Wilbur next to me leaning against me and Phil and Techno across from us on separate chairs. "I'm tired from coming back." He mumbled. "You can sleep if you want." I whispered to him. He got off my shoulder and put his head on my lap. I rested my hand on him and saw him inspect my rings, nails and unusual skin tone. Phil made an 'awe' face and I glared at him. 

After a few minutes Wilbur fell asleep and we continued to talk.

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Words: 718

Hope you enjoyed the last part of this!

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