Can I have details?

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"What do you want to do today?" I asked Lizzie playing with her hair. "Be with you" she replied matter-of-factly tracing patterns on my arm with her finger. "Besides that" I said letting out a small laugh. "That's all I want to do" Lizzie replied again without further ado. "Good, then that's what we'll do, be with each other, all day long, without moving from the bed let alone the comfortable position we are in" I said as I lay on top of her releasing my weight. "Y/N stop it" she giggled. "It's what you want to do" I said sticking my nose in her neck. "Oh my god stop it, you're tickling me" Lizzie grumbled trying to move me off of her.

"We should go get ice cream in the afternoon, the weather is nice" I said moving to my spot on the bed and looking out of my apartment window. "But what about being with each other, all day, without moving from the bed... you just said that" she asked turning her attention to me and pouting. "Oh so you've changed your mind already?" I replied climbing back on her and tickling her. "Stop it or you'll make me regret it and run out of this bed!" Lizzie commanded between giggles with her eyes narrowed. "Oh really? you wouldn't" I said challenging her tilting my head and looking her straight in the eyes. "Who said I wouldn't?" she declared sitting up in bed. "Then do it" I held pointing towards my bedroom door. "Make me" Lizzie manifested moving closer to my lips and looking into my eyes.

Those words and the way they came out of her mouth left me speechless, all I could do was swallow my saliva and look her in the eye.

"What's wrong? The cat got your tongue?" she asked, closing the space between us with a gaze so intense she could see into my past lives. "Actually, no. I was just seeing what a beautiful friend I have" I confessed giving her a soft press of lips to the temple, resting them there for a moment, then smiling down at her.

"I wish I had fallen in love with you years ago. We deserved each other's love long before now" she acknowledged, placing her hand on my cheek and planting a kiss on my nose. "We look cute together isn't it?" I asked lying down on the bed again and opening my arms for Lizzie to lie down with me. "No doubt about it," she admitted leaning back against my chest and hugging me tightly. "Do I get bonus points if I act like i'm impressed?" I asked jokingly. "Oh shut up, never in your dreams did you imagine we would one day be like this" she assured punching me in the arm. "Oh honey, believe me, in my dreams I imagined this and more" I pointed out putting my arm behind my head for extra support. "Uh-huh? like what?" questioned Lizzie putting her chin on my chest so she could see me. "I can't tell you, it's private property" I expressed quickly touching her nose with the tip of my finger. "Come on, tell me!" she complained pouting. This woman will be the death of me.

"I imagined this, us in bed, cuddling, eating ice cream, having sex, the usual, you know" I summarized looking up at the ceiling dying of embarrassment. "That last one interests me, can I have details?" she asked moving closer to me. "Of course not! I told you it's private property" I denied looking at her with an evasive look. "Not even a demonstration?" hinted Lizzie with puppy dog eyes. "Are you trying to turn me on?" I asked tilting my head with an inquiring look. "Maybe" she admitted placing her head in my chest again. "You could've just asked" I murmured. "Don't wind me up because you know I won't stop!" admitted Lizzie rolling her eyes playfully. "Okay, okay, i'm sorry" I grinned raising my hand as a sign of peace

"Of the movies I've been in, which one's your favorite?" questioned Lizzie after a moment of silence. "Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene is a good one, In secret. Ingrid Goes West I thought was hilarious, I loved Aubrey's role, I remember watching a YouTube video of the premiere and you were both wearing the same dress, I thought it was funny" I commented thinking about every movie I had seen where Lizzie was in. "What about the Marvel ones?" she turned to look at me in surprise. "Those hold a special place in my heart, I can't compare them. I remember when AOU came out, the first thing I thought was 'I want an emo Wanda in my life', so precious" I confessed with a smile on my face. "What's an emo Wanda?" she questioned confused. "WHAT!!! What do you mean you don't know what an emo Wanda is?" I said surprised and getting up from my position. Lizzie just looked at me with a look that she didn't understand anything.

"An emo Wanda is you in AOU, with your makeup, rings, black painted nails and those kind of clothes you wore" I explained patiently. "Oh! of course, now I get it, I didn't even know that's what I was called" she acknowledged thinking. "Well, they call you many things but that's one of the most popular" I informed her laughing.

Just as Lizzie was about to say something else, my phone rang. "Hold on, let me get that," I said getting up from the bed.


- Hey Y/N, I have good news

Y/N- Ella hi, what's up?

Ella- These models want to have a meeting with you about your new clothing brand, they want you to tell them about the project and they'll work with you.

Y/N- Really? That's really good news, when did you schedule the meeting?

Ella- Today, in half an hour

Y/N- Half an hour? I'm still in my pajamas, but ok, send me the location of where the meeting will be and I'll see you there in half an hour.

Ella- Okay, see you in a little while, drive carefully, calm your excitement!

With Ella's last words, I hung up the call, threw my phone on the bed and started dancing and jumping with excitement.

Since a year and a half ago I started working on my clothing brand, I had been going to meetings to see the fabric manufacturing and that kind of stuff to avoid wasting so much water in its manufacture and not use toxic dyes, since I want it to be an ecofriendly brand and with the help of my dad's organization I have come a long way, but if I want the brand to go around the world before being launched, I have to get some designers, that's why I'm so excited.

"What did I miss?" asked Lizzie confused. "I have an important meeting today, in 27 minutes, actually" I let her know by looking at the clock on my phone. "A meeting about what?" she continued to ask following me with her eyes from my bed. "My new clothing brand, I'll tell some models about the project and if I want them, they'll work with me" I commented from my closet. "I'm sorry but... HOW long were you going to wait before telling me about this?" complained Lizzie offended.

"Well, I wanted to have some models before I told the news so.... Surprise!" I exclaimed with a half smile putting on my pants "stop looking at me like that, you're scaring me" I continued on my way to the bathroom.

Lizzie kept staring at me tilting her head, and not a cute head tilt, a head tilt that scares you, that makes you want to run for your life to the farthest place you can imagine.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner, I would have supported you in anything you needed, I could be THE model" she finally spoke. "Honey, don't worry, I've been working on this for a year, everything has been going well" I told her while brushing my hair "and no doubt you would make a great model but I know you have better things to do than model my new brand of clothing" I said walking around my room. "Those other things are not as important as helping my soul mate" she said rolling her eyes in annoyance. "Lizard it's not a big deal, but I appreciate it, and sorry for not telling you before, being with you I forget everything around me" I expressed flirtatiously.

"Y/N, this is no time for flirting!" shouted Lizzie pouting. "Okay, I'm sorry" I said raising my hands in peace "how do I look to have dressed up in 5 minutes?" I asked modeling my outfit. "You look amazing!" she stated with a smile. "Really? I grabbed the first thing I could find in my closet" I complained looking at myself in the mirror. "I really don't care" she confessed standing behind me and looking at me through the mirror "you still look hot and I'm trying not to kiss you senseless right now" she whispered in my ear putting her hands on my waist.

"I'm going to be late because you can't keep it in your pants" I joked turning my body towards her, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to me. "Go get those models," said Lizzie giving me a peck on the nose. "I'll see you in a minute, we'll have a date later okay? so be ready" i smiled letting go of Lizzie's waist and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "I'll wait here for you" she agreed with a smile.

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