It all went downhill

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6:30 pm

I arrived at the restaurant where the dinner would be, parked my car in the parking lot and headed inside. When I arrived there were only the twins a few fellow models and some photographers.

"Y/N! So glad you made it, you look radiant!" said Ashley giving me a warm hug. Maybe Lizzie was right with the comment from earlier. "Thanks you look great too" I said making her turn around. "Hi Y/N! Welcome, are you ready for a few pictures?" said MK approaching our spot. "Sure, let's do it" I greeted everyone and we headed to the small stage that was ready for our pictures. "Everyone looks perfect" said one of the photographers looking at the pictures. "That's what we do" I replied making everyone laugh.

After the photos people started to arrive and I headed to the bar to order a drink. "A dry martini please" I said to the bartender. While I was waiting for my drink I see Lizzie walk through the front door, she looks stunning, she's wearing a floor length dress that is open from the chest in a vertical line, it's beige and long sleeved with her beautiful flowing hair. When I see her I get chills all over my body. "Here's your drink miss" says the bartender handing me my martini. "Thank you" I said taking it. When I returned my gaze to where Lizzie was I saw she wasn't alone... Robbie's here too. Great, that idiot.

I took my drink and headed over to the table where some of my model friends were. During the time I was there I felt that someone was watching me, when I turned to see if I could find my "stalker" the first thing I saw was Lizzie looking me up and down with a lost look, I could even say that she was full of desire. A look full of desire? Really Y/N? You better shut up.

As soon as she noticed I was looking at her she turned her gaze and interlocked her hand together with Robbie's, nice shot. "Okay, let the game begin" I said to myself.

Dinner time came and we all went to sit at our seats, I was at the table where the twins, one of the photographers and of course Lizzie and Robbie were sitting. It seemed like the universe knew there was a something going on between Lizzie and I because we were face to face. "How have you liked everything so far Y/N?" asked Ashley who was sitting next to me. "It's all good, I've been talking a bit with different models and photographers, I like the atmosphere that's been created" I said to her as I took a sip of my drink "you look great Ash, I must say" I said putting my hand on her shoulder and with a smile. "Thanks Y/N, now you made me blush" Ashley replied as she covered her face. "Someone's flirting" MK said with a smirk. I removed my hand from Ash's shoulder and turned to look at Lizzie who rolled her eyes at me annoyed looking jealous. So she can play but I can't?

We all finished dinner, the waiters removed our plates and before dessert the twins gave a thank you speech. "We want to thank everyone who is present today, but especially Y/N who has given us so much of herself these last few months and believe me, without her it would not have been possible to bring out this new collection, as well as our little sister Lizzie, she has been a light on our path, as always" said Ashley looking towards the audience.

After a few more words came dessert and then dancing. Lizzie and I haven't spoken all night, I don't know if she's mad at me for what I said in the afternoon when we were at my house or it's because Robbie's here. "And now give it up for one of my favorite bands 'Milo Greene' "MK said over the microphone diverting my attention to the stage. So did Robbie only come because his band was going to play or because Lizzie really wanted him to come?

I left the dance floor to head once again to the bar. "A double scotch on the rocks please" I said to the bartender sitting down in one of the chairs at the bar. "I see we come combining" Lizzie said sitting down next to me "I noticed" I said turning to look away. "I told you Ashley had a crush on you, she hasn't taken her eyes off you all night, let alone after your comment at dinner" Lizzie said getting my attention. "Yeah, I noticed that too" I replied again in a serious manner. "Okay, I'm leaving" said Lizzie standing up from her chair. "Did he come because his band was going to play or because you really wanted him to come with you?" i said referring to Robbie. "He came just because his band was going to play" replied Lizzie sitting down again "Does it bother you that he's here?" she continued. "After what you told me I think I have every right to feel discomfort in his presence" I replied taking a swig of my whiskey. "I'm sorry" Lizzie said a little apologetically. "For what?" I said not understanding her comment. "For bringing him knowing it would make you feel upset" she told me sincerely. "He's your boyfriend Lizzie, I'm just your friend, you have every right to take him wherever you want" I told her playing with my glass. "He won't be my boyfriend tomorrow" she said taking my hand. I felt that everything around me froze, it was just me and Lizzie in a bubble, the feeling of our souls connecting appeared again, but it's not right to feel this, not while each one is still with her partner and without having so much time to get to know each other. "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" I said to Lizzie standing up hurriedly from my seat.

I don't know what this situation is with Lizzie and has me a little confused. Still adding to it I don't know what to do about Kate.

As I was heading towards the bathroom I saw Robbie walk into a room holding hands with someone, it couldn't be Lizzie because she was with me. I shouldn't do this but I walked up to them and peered carefully through an opening in the door. "Fuck, you look so hot when you sing" the woman said to Robbie as she unbuttoned his shirt. "You look great when you moan my name" Robbie said to the blonde as he kissed her neck. "When are you going to leave Lizzie?" the blonde said to him as she moaned. "I can't leave her, I'm going to marry her for her money, remember?" replied Robbie with his hands on the woman's breasts, this motherfucker. I inadvertently pushed the door with my foot and that made Robbie and the blonde I now knew who she was see me. "Sorry, I was looking for the bathroom" I said lying and quickly leaving. "Shit" Robbie said zipping up his pants and rearranging his shirt "Y/N! Wait, we need to talk" he said behind me. "What do you want to talk about? About how unmanly you are for being unfaithful to Lizzie or about being an alcoholic who beats his girlfriend?" I said agitated "Huh Robbie? Tell me what you want to talk about? Because I don't think it's fair the actions you're taking, let alone when your girlfriend is here, fucking cheater" I said almost screaming and with tears in my eyes. "Please Y/N, don't tell Lizzie, that's all I ask, I promise to stop drinking and this situation will never happen again" Robbie said to me almost on his knees. "Do what you want Robbie, you don't have to promise me anything the one who loses is you" I said heading to the dance floor "and you better not lay a hand on Lizzie again" as I turned again to leave I saw Lizzie standing in front of me. "Lizzie" I said concerned about what she had heard. "Were you going to tell me?" she said with tears in her eyes "TELL ME Y/N, were you going to tell me or were you going to act like nothing happened so Robbie could keep seeing my face?" said Lizzie upset watching me in a way that she had never seen me before. "Lizzie I-" I said approaching her. "No, get off me" Lizzie said walking away from me quickly walking out the front door. Fuck me. And to top it all off the Elvis Presley song "Your cheatin' heart" started playing. It broke my soul to see Lizzie like that and me unable to do anything. It wasn't my place to say anything to her but maybe the right thing to do was to have told her that I was going to tell her about the situation with Robbie.

Thank heavens no one else at the party noticed the drama near the bathrooms.

After the incident Lizzie left, as did Robbie and Marlana. The dinner turned party ended around 2:00 am, I only stayed because I was one of the main ones but otherwise I would have run off after Lizzie. What a day, it all went downhill in a couple of minutes and I think my friendship with Lizzie, which was just beginning, went down as well. What a great ending this game had.



And yes, the drama begins

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