Here you are

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This week has been very busy. My mornings start with the same routine as always only now instead of sitting and watching people, I go to a boxing class, it has helped me to distract my mind and take out some of the feelings I carry around and above all I have learned to defend myself, I don't think I need it but you never know what destiny has in store for you.

A week without hearing from Lizzie, the twins haven't told me much about her but I haven't asked them either, I have focused on other things and as she told me, I have my own problems too.

My family will be at the runway tomorrow, even though we live in the same city we don't see each other as much as we used to. My parents have been very busy and my brothers went to Switzerland on vacation with my grandparents but they arrive tonight.

After my boxing class I returned home to shower, eat breakfast and get ready for my day.

Today I have a meeting with the twins to arrange last details before tomorrow.

I was checking my emails when my phone started ringing.


Hi Y/N, MK and I wanted to invite you to a party tonight.
It's for our birthday

Y/N 🤍
Wasn't it your birthday 2 months ago?

Yes, it's just that because of work we couldn't celebrate and we will take advantage of tomorrow's catwalk to have a party about it too.

Y/N 🤍
Sure, I understand
Yes, after the meeting give me the details.

Perfect, see you in an hour

I kept checking my emails, catching up on my social media and when it was time to go, I grabbed my stuff and left my house. I headed to the place where the runway would be.

When I arrived I ran into the twins who were checking a list on their computer. "Hi, I'm here" I said giving them each a hug. "Hey Y/N, how does everything look?" said MK looking up at the platform where the runway would be. "Everything looks good, I see they did more stuff after I left" I said with my hands inside my pockets. "Yeah, we hadn't liked how they arranged the chairs, so we decided to move them" Ash said looking around the place. "They look better this way" I said with a smile as Ash looked at me "So this party you guys want to do..." I said waiting for their response. "Sure, it'll be at our house around 6 it's nothing too big, just our family and a few close friends, like you" MK said smiling making me blush. "Ok, count me in, anything I should bring?" I said pulling my cell phone out of my bag. "No, just your wonderful presence" Ashley replied. "Someone is flirting again" MK said making me laugh while Ash blushed. "I see everything is ready here and I'm no longer required, so I'm leaving to go get ready for tonight" I told them saying goodbye to both of them. "Thanks for everything Y/N, see you in a bit" MK said as she hugged me. "You're welcome, it's been a pleasure working with you" I said smiling. "You've been a great help" Ash replied. "Ok, I'm off, see you girls later" I said walking out of the building.

I guess I'll see Lizzie tonight, I hope so although I don't know what to tell her, I just want to know that she's really ok.

I got home, took a bath and started getting ready for the twins' party.

This time I already had an idea of what I would wear. I chose beige dress pants, a long sleeve black blouse and a long dark brown coat. Casual but elegant.

On the way to the twins' house I stopped to buy a bottle of wine and a bouquet of flowers for each of them, I won't deny that I thought about buying one for Lizzie but I preferred not to.

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