You're an idiot

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"Family, we're here" I said opening the door to my parents' house meeting not only my family but some of my parents' friends. "Hi honey, so glad you made it" said my mom greeting me and Lizzie. "Thanks for inviting me Mrs. Y/L/N" said Lizzie with a smile referring to my mom. "Of course dear, and please call me Grace!" said mom squeezing Lizzie's shoulder. "We brought a Cherry Pie, Lizzie made it" I said to my mom putting my foot on the kitchen island. Lizzie turned to see me surprised and with furrowed eyebrows, I just smiled and put my index finger to my lips to signal her not to say anything. "How cute Lizzie, it looks delicious, I can't wait to try it" my mom said with a smile "Thanks for stopping by to buy the wine" said my mom, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

We headed to the living room where all the guests were, we greeted everyone and I introduced them to Lizzie although of course many of them already knew her. "Y/N how nice to see you! congratulations on the runway, your grandmother told us" said Michael Pedretti, a friend of my grandparents. "Michael, how nice of you to come, thank you so much" I said greeting him and his wife "How have you been? Is Victoria coming?" I asked them with a hand on Michael's shoulder. "We've been great, a few weekends ago we went to play cards with your grandparents" Michael replied with a smile. My mom's parents live in Philadelphia and I don't know if I've mentioned this before but they are writers as is Michael, Victoria's father, they've been friends for about 30 years, when we would go on vacation with my grandparents Vic and I would go out and play even though she is 2 years younger than me, but yes we have been friends for several years. "And yes, Vic will be coming just she's finishing filming, she'll be very happy to see you" Michael continued. "It will be nice to see her too" I said with a smile "I'll see you later, it has been a pleasure to talk to you again" I said giving him and his wife a hug. Lizzie was with the twins talking about I don't know what but they kept laughing and from time to time the 3 of them would look me up and down with a mischievous smile. All right, let's move on. I went to the bar to get a drink to get in the mood, there were no more than 20 people and thank heavens I knew each and every one of them, sometimes I don't do very well meeting new people, I get very anxious and I don't know why but it stresses me out. Maybe that's why I still have the same 2 best friends since elementary school.

After my drink was handed to me I decided to sit for a bit and observe the place, the people around me and all the conversations going on at the same time. "Hey stranger" said Victoria sitting down next to me. "But if it isn't Victoria Pedretti herself, hello! How nice to see you" I said giving her a hug and with a big smile. "Lower your voice, you're embarrassing me" she said pushing my shoulder with the weight of her body and rolling her eyes playfully "I've missed you" she said with a warm smile. "Me too, it's been a long time since we've done one of our rituals" I told her with an esteemed look. Our ritual was to watch old horror movies every wednesday afternoon, we ate whatever we found at home and also played scrabble it was so much fun."I know! It's just that I've been kind of busy filming this new series coming out on Netflix and with my parents" she said looking at me with a half smile. "I can imagine, don't worry, we'll be able to hang out soon" I said rubbing her arm "I'm really excited for this series by the way, I've seen the trailer and I was blown away" I continued wiggling my eyebrows. "You'll love it, trust me, I know how much you love supernatural horror movies and series" Vic said tilting her head as she smiled. "Of course you do" I said with a smile and taking a sip of my drink. So, Vic and I were girlfriends for a while, nothing serious or well maybe it was a little serious, you could say it was my teenage love. We broke up when I went off to college then she went off to college and we stayed friends, on good terms as you can see. We fell in love and at first it was hard to get out of all the sadness that our separation brought but we made it through, it was good that we each started our own world to distract us from what had happened. A few years after we broke up with her was when I met Kate, she was the first partner I had after Vic.

She looks just like a dreamHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin