I've found the one whom my soul loves

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Lizzie POV

Today I was going to meet Y/N after the runway but I can't wait to see her. Everyday I think about her without even trying, I would like to spend more time with her and try to win her over or have her win me over, although she did that from the first day we saw each other. I decided that I would go visit her before the catwalk, the twins had told me that they would have a lunch break so I took that opportunity.

"Hey" I said to Y/N behind her. "Hi what are you doing here?" she said surprised by my presence "I thought I would see you after the runway" she continued as she read some papers. "I couldn't wait, I wanted to take you to lunch. The twins told me they would have a break and I took advantage" I confessed to her a little nervous. "So you couldn't wait to see me Olsen?" said Y/N with a smirk on her face. "You're making me regret it" I said jokingly "we can go to lunch at a place I know near here" I continued. "Sure, you're my guide" Y/N replied.

I took her to one of my favorite restaurants here in NY, I like to come here for lunch when I visit. We each ordered what we wanted and I turned my attention to Y/N who was looking out the window at the people passing by on the street. I noticed that she really likes to do that.

I think one of the things I like most about Y/N is that she treats me like anyone else, I don't feel harassed as sometimes happens to me when I meet new people, maybe because she is used to seeing famous people and therefore has famous friends but it makes me feel really good that she treats me like a human, like someone ordinary. "I noticed we haven't talked much about my work, I thought you were a big fan" I said to her trying to get some small talk out. "I thought you needed a distraction, I didn't want to bombard you with questions regarding your work, I just wanted to be your friend and help distract your mind" she said to me as she looked out the window. "You've helped me a lot" I told her with a sincere tone, because it's the truth, Y/N has helped distract me and thanks to her I am free from Robbie and that has helped my mind to be calmer "and for that I will answer 10 questions you have, either about me or marvel" I told her as a thank you. "Ok, let me bring out my inner supreme fan" Y/N said settling into her chair "I know, what was it like working with Scarlett Johansson on AOU?" she said with her arms on the table. "Really? From everything you could ask me?" i said jokingly. "Sorry, I've had a crush on her since 'Lost in translation', I was like 11 years old when that movie came out and I fell in love with her, I think that's where I confirmed that I liked women" she replied. Of course, who doesn't have a crush on Scarlett? It was obvious, "It was great, actually, Scarlett is a rock star. So I assume BlackWidow is your favorite super heroine?" I asked her as she ate. "Yeah, until Wanda Maximoff showed up," she told me wiggling her eyebrows. "Shut up Y/L/N, don't want to fix things" I replied rolling my eyes playfully. It was very comfortable talking to Y/N about my work, her questions and interests put me at ease and for a moment I felt like I wasn't a famous person.

As we walked out of the restaurant Y/N's hand brushed against mine, I felt the energy coursing through my body, I felt everything in me settle and I couldn't help but smile. "Souls don't meet by accident, you know?" I told her out of the blue. "Two souls are sometimes created together and in love before they are born" Y/N replied with a smile. "Fitzgerald?" I asked her. So she likes novels. "That's right, dear" she replied turning to me. "What are your favorite donuts?" I asked point blank. "Where did that question come from?" said Y/N laughing. "I just want to know more about you" I said pouting. "I'm pretty simple, I like them glazed, no big deal" she said as she reached into his pocket for something. "No big deal but they are my favorite too, and the raspberry filled ones, they are delicious" I told her with a hand on my stomach. "They are" she told me "now put this in your left ear" Y/N said handing me an earbud. "Ok, ready?" she asked looking into my eyes. "Ready" I replied with a smile. The rest of the way to the museum we listened to the song and occasionally danced on the sidewalk. This is what I want, Y/N is who I want, I've found the one whom my soul loves.

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