I adore you

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"What time is dinner at your parents' house?" Lizzie asked getting up from my lap. "It's at 8:30" I replied running a hand through my hair "I have to go to my apartment to get ready and drop my stuff off, do you want to go with me?" I asked as I put my belongings away. "Sure, I would love to go with you to your apartment" Lizzie said stepping in front of me. "Hey lovers" MK said approaching us "Y/N you did a great job on the runway, you really excelled" MK continued giving me a hug. "It's true, you were great, we are so glad we hired you" continued Ash rubbing my arm. "Thanks girls, you know I really enjoy working with you and I just tried to have a little fun out there" I told them with a smile. "So there's someone here to see you, she's been following your work for a while too, just like us" MK said looking at Lizzie and me. "Florence, come closer" Ashley said waving her hand at Florence indicating her to come closer. "Hi! What a great pleasure to meet you, I'm a big fan of your work" said Florence giving me a hug and with an excited tone. "Hi Lizzie, your sisters have told me a lot about you" continued Florence giving Lizzie a hug. "I hope so" replied Lizzie laughing. First the job with the twins, then Lizzie, then meeting Scarlett and now Florence Pugh? I'm living my biggest dream. "Hi Florence, nice to meet you, thank you I'm flattered" I replied dumbfounded by the situation I found myself in. "Please call me Flo, I'd like to chat a some more with you but my driver is waiting outside" Flo said pointing outside with her thumb "We can exchange phone numbers then we can go out" she continued pulling her phone out of her bag. "Sure, I'd love to" I nodded handing her my cell phone. "Here it is, I'll text you to meet up soon" Flo said handing me my cell phone. "Perfect, I'll be waiting for it" I said with a smile. "See you later Y/N" replied Florence winking at me "girls, nice to see you" she continued saying goodbye to the twins and Lizzie.

"Perfect, I'll be waiting for you" said Lizzie mocking me and tilted her head, oh shit, I'm dead. "Someone's jealous" said MK wiggling her eyebrows. "We should go, someone is in trouble" continued Ash. "We'll see you at your parents' dinner Y/N" said the twins at the same time.

"You look beautiful when you're jealous" I said to Lizzie grabbing her waist. "Yeah sure, I'll wait for you outside" replied Lizzie rolling her eyes and walking out of the makeup area. Damn.

After I had put all my stuff away I headed to the entrance of the museum to find Lizzie. "Hey, I'm ready, we're leaving" I said looking at her left profile. Lizzie didn't answer me and just walked to where my car was parked. I set my suitcase on the floor so I could open the door for Lizzie. "Mademoiselle" I said waiting for her to get into the car, Lizzie let out a giggle at my action but immediately hid it. I closed the door with a smile, put my backpack in the trunk and got in the car to start the drive to my apartment. "Do you want me to play any special songs?" I said to Lizzie opening Spotify on my phone. "I don't care" Lizzie replied looking out the window. Okay. She said she didn't care so I put on 'I love you always forever'. I remember that interview where she starts singing that song, I hope that makes her jealousy go away a little bit.

As soon as Lizzie heard the first verse of the song she turned to me with a "really?" look on her face and I just giggled as I put my hand on her thigh. We started singing and dancing while waiting in traffic creating our little party inside the car.

"I love you always forever
Near and far closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you
I love you always forever
Near and far closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you"

Lizzie kept singing and dancing, I don't think I've ever seen her so happy and enjoying the moment so much since I met her, it was a good idea to play that song, she looked so radiant with that beautiful smile, I couldn't stop looking at her, I couldn't stop a huge smile from forming on my face. "I adore you" I said in awe. "What did you say?" said Lizzie in surprise as she turned down the music. "I adore you and I'm so fascinated by you Lizzie" I said, parking my car in front of my apartment and cupping her face "It's you, it's fucking you. I cannot describe it anymores, it's you. You are the only one that I'll ever want. I belong with you, you are my home. I look at you and somehow i can see 60 years from now on the front porch of some old house and we're together. You are the only thing that matters. You are my good" I said to Lizzie looking into her eyes with a look of love. "Y/N I- I adore you too. I laugh more with you, I feel more myself with you. I trust you with me, the real me. When something goes wrong, or right, or I hear a funny joke or see something bizarre, you're the first person I want to talk to about it" Lizzie said while with a warm look and a smile on her face as a tear ran down her cheek and I immediately wiped it away with my thumb "can we get married now?" continued Lizzie with a smile biting her bottom lip. "Not yet, but someday soon, I promise." I said smiling and giving her a soft kiss.

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