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Monday 9th May 2022

"Not a fucking chance James McAtee, you promised me: Are you really going to break a pinky promise" Remi protests in the car

James holds in a laugh, hiding a smile behind his hand.

"We're nearly at the hospital now, there's no point turning your music on now"

"James, you said an i quote 'next time we're in the car you can listen to your music' "

"I'm sorry, i'll let you listen on the way back. And I really do promise"

"James i can see you smirking behind your hand" She reaches up and grabs his hand

"Wow, be careful i'm driving. Speaking of which. When are you going to start driving, Shea and I drive you everywhere"

"I'll start taking lessons in August, when i'm seventeen"

"So i'm just your personal driver until then?"

"And my bestest friend" Remi smiles

"Aw isn't that nice"

James hand remains locked with Remi's the entire time to the hospital, eventually they arrive. James pulling into a space near the doors

"You ready to go?" he asks rubbing her hands with his thumb

"Yeah let's go"


"James, bringing her in late once again. If Remi has to get her leg chopped off then that's on you McAtee" Mary tells James as he walks through the door with Remi on his back

"She was the one that couldn't decided what top you wear. Ten minutes i stood waiting for her. Ten" James pants out of breath putting Remi down gently

"Can't believe you're putting the blame on me, you showed up ten minutes late then decided to raid my fridge"

"Now she's bullshitting"

"Oi don't use that foul language in my hospital...cheeky bitch"

"You allowing Mary to talk to me like that since you're my bestest friend?"

"I'll allow it, she could get my ACL back to normal so"

"Alright then, i see how it is"

"Right Miss Foden, we're going to the treadmill first"

"Running?" Remi says excitedly

"Walking babe" Mary says gently

James wraps his arm around Remi as he watches the disappointment wash over her

"We'll get there eventually"


Okay I got lazy and i cba writing physio

"So you got your knee brace off, how you feeling about that?"

"Feels good that I can move about a little more but I still have crutches though"

"What's wrong with crutches?"

"They're annoying to walk with"

"hope on" James says bending down


"leave the crutches in the car, i'll give you a piggy bag upstairs"

"James it's like three flights of stairs"

"I don't care Rem" James laughs

Remi opens the door to the car and places her crutches inside, she then hops over to James and climbs onto his back

He then begins the journey upstairs, the both of them laughing the full way up

"My keys are in the car"

"You're shitting me" James pants

"I'm kidding they're in my pocket"


"Did you just call me a bitch?" Remi laughs

"What you going to do? Run after me?" James jokes but Remi instantly covers her face "No, no, no Remi i'm sorry please don't cry i'm so sorry i'm sorry" he says wrapping his arms around her

She pulls out of the hug laughing "No Rem never do that to me" he says storming over to the couch

"James, i can't get anywhere"

He quickly walks up to her and picks her up putting her on the couch before sitting on the other end

"James, don't fall out with me. Please"

"You actually scared me, i don't ever want to fall out with you"

"Come here" she says opening her arms which he crawls into "I'm sorry i made you sad"

"You didn't make me sad, just made me worried. You're the only person i can trust right now and I would never want to make you sad"

"I promise you didn't make me sad, you know you can talk to me"

"I know, i just miss sitting on the bench talking shit with you. How have to felt with the whole Callum situation?"

"I'm getting through it, mainly thanks to you. You and Millie have helped me so much"

"That's what friends do, i'm always going to be here"

The two end up falling asleep on the couch, James tucked behind Remi, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist, he head tucked into her neck

Footballer Daughter/Remi FodenWhere stories live. Discover now