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letting you guys know i'm going to make U18 football as big as first team football for this whole chapter so we will be playing at Anfield


"Guys as soon as we step off this bus your head is held high. Don't go on your phones straight into the stadium" We all grab our bags from the overhead railings and start to walk off the bus

"Right remember the order, I'll go off first Callum walk beside her and Liam you go behind" Shea tells us walking from the back of the bus.

When ever we have a match, the boys become extremely protective of me. They always walk in a certain order so i have someone around me.

We all walk off and we head the doors. Liverpool fans shouting at us, we're not bothered though "you go in first okay gorgeous?"Callum whispers in my ear taking my hand which i give a quick squeeze

We all get inside the building where we are directed to the changing rooms. Sometimes there isn't another changing room for girls so i just use the bathroom which is in the boys changing room

"Right Rem, the bathroom is there and boys don't annoy her like last time" Brian sighs and i leave my boots bag out and take my bag in and get changed into joggers and my overhead zipper since it's a little cold outside

"Boys, are you all ready?" i ask before unlocking the door

"We've all got bottom half stuff on" Shea shouts back which is good enough for me

I unlock the door to see most of the boys without tops on. Nothing i haven't seen before. I put my boots on and put my hair up

"You guys ready to go?" I ask and all of them nod

We all head out and go with Marshall he separates us and the four of us are put together again

"Right guys get into a box shape and it's a one touch thing so outside foot around the box on you guys go"

We all spread out and we are nearest the City fans and i turn around and see Dad sitting down front, nearest the corner

After our warm up we quickly get changed getting into our pre match jackets and kits. While we wait to walk out the tunnel i see Iwan who is smiling at me, i give him a slight smile and Callum comes up behind me grabbing my waist from behind and kissing my neck

"jealousy showing" Liam whispers as callum turns around to speak to Shea


"Right boys remember what we talked about not just in the changing room but in training. Lets have a good game. Love yous!" i shout down the tunnel

"Love you!" they all shout back in sync and just like that i lead my team out. We all take off our jackets and throw them at the side and we all get into our positions. We get to start with the ball. The ref blows the whistle and I pass to Finn and he passes back to Callum

I get the ball and move up the park and take a shot from outside the box. Which goes in. I hear the fans cheer and i run over to the corner that my dads in and knee slide,Callum copying. I look over to Dad who is smiling and cheering with the fans.

second minute and a goal, this is good for city. We get back into positions this time we starting attacking early. which causes us to get another goal in the fifth minute, josh is the one that scores that

and then we reach the 12th minute, Iwan comes in with a bad tackle to Callum and they both start arguing quickly. I run over with Shea who pulls Callum back and i speak to the ref

Footballer Daughter/Remi FodenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin