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"so yeah that's what our argument was about, he messaged me saying sorry, i messaged him back saying sorry but i don't know how things are going to be now" he says upset, around the side of the building

"Hey, you do know teenagers will fight with their parents" i rub his arm slowly "Dad and i have fought several times and a simple apology does fix it. You've never fought with your Dad, you will be okay"  I hug him tightly and he hugs me back instantly

"i love you, thank you for being here" he mumbles into my neck, he i can feel his tears running onto my neck and all i want to do is hold him forever

"i love you too, i'm always here for you. Always" i give him one last squeeze before pulling away and wiping the tears from his face "come on handsome, let's get some training done" i smile at him lightly and we start to walk back around the building, he takes my hand and we make our way to the pitches

"Right guys just start running to warm up" Brain rushes us and everyone starts to run around the lines of the pitch

We make it around three times before we need to do high knees around the length of the pitch and running the width

Once we are done that we move onto sprints, when it comes to sprints with Brian. He makes us run the full pitch. We have 35 seconds to get from one end to the other with a 10 second break in between. It's very much like the bleep test

The next thing we do before drills is running on the spot and running to the half way line, stopping and running for 30 seconds again

and finally the last thing we do before drills is sidesteps from one end to the other and continue until we hear Brian tell us to stop

"Right guys that should be you warmed up, get your shin guards on, hoodies off, phones away. Let's get started"

We all follow through with the rules, luckily it's not too cold today, suns not out but there's clear blue sky's. I sit on the bench taking a drink of water and get back to training


"Oscar up the wing!" Kane shouts pointing towards me. Oscar looks up towards me and passes the ball. i run towards it, taking it in control when Michah comes in for a tackle but i dodge him and pass it to Bobby who is in the box. i goes in the back of the net

"Nice Bobby!" Brain praises him. We run and give him a hug and get back into the game. Harv scored a goal not long after we started back up. Harvey and Bobby are our top goal scorers so far this season, right now they are drawing with 4 goals, i'm close second with 3

At the end of September we always have an award ceremony where we have Managers player of the year, players player of the year, away days best player, home days best at player and top goal scorer. Why we do it in September ? i do not know but i don't really care. At the end of the year teams from our division and the Southern division all gather together to announce the U18s England squad for the following summer, team of the year and player of the year

"Let's get going guys straight back up" Brain yells at us. Lately Brain has been pushing us. Liverpool are our biggest challenge. In our last five games with them we have drew four times and won once

"Remi switch positions with Kane" Brian calls over to us

I look over to Kane and he shrugs his shoulders "But Bri that's centre mid" i yell over to him

"i know kid, just switch"

I'm used to playing left back, i've never played centre mid before. I run forward and take centre mid i get to start with the ball. Brain has a multi job with out practice games he is the referee, he is our coach and our manager. he is brilliant at all his jobs though. he blows the whistle and i pass back to Smithy

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