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We climb into bed. Both of us tired from today. We stick to the rule with the blanket of course not wanting to disrespect father Phil.

Callum is in first, under the blanket. As soon as i get in he pulls me in by my waist and snuggles my head on my chest

"Callum?" i ask after a few minutes of silence

"yeah baby?" he asks giving me instant butterflies at the nickname

"I don't want anyone to interfere or bother what we have right now. i like when it's just us" i tell him rubbing his neck

"well why don't we just keep it between us two, i know you tell your mum and dad most things but it gives us time to work on us and what we have now, it could be our little secret. If you do want to tell your mum and dad right now, you can it's your choice gorgeous"

"i like the idea of our little secret" i smirk looking down and him and he look up and me kissing me. This time the kiss is a lot deeper than the many we've had today. He slips his tongue in and i slip mine in and after a few minutes we pull away out of breath

"i like when we do that" he giggles hiding his face

"me too baby, me too" i say closing me eyes

"let's get some sleep gorgeous, i'll see you in the morning. I love you"

"i love you too"


It's 10am before I wake up. I've not slept in this long in god knows how long. I try to get up to wash my face but a hand pulls me back

"No don't leave, i'm warm" he groans tightening his arms

"i like this side of you, you're all cuddly and always giving me kisses" i smile massaging the side of his head

"it's because you know how i feel now and i like that you know because now i can do this" He says before gently grabbing my shoulders and moving his hands to my neck pulling me in a for a kiss

I give him one long and and three quick pecks and another long one before we pull away hearing a knock on the door ,i quickly turn around and stand up before dad walks in

"Hiya, yous alright this morning?" He asks standing at the door

"Yep" we both respond

"i've made breakfast if you guys want to come down and get some"

"Rem let's go, never turn away Phils breakfast" he says exciting jumping out of bed

Today was a good day with my family and Callum. We went to the movies and went out for dinner. Dad and i are sat in the living room doing absolutely nothing after about ten games of fifa. Ronnie is asleep as well as mum. It's only 8pm so we don't want to go to sleep right now

"Right Princess, what can we do?" He asks turning to me breaking the silence

"i don't know, you're the adult?" i shrug

"shoes on, let's go a drive to the stadium and back"

"an hour drive and back? Sounds like a plan" i smile and we grab our shoes from the front cupboard and grab our trainers and head out to the car

Dad backs out of the driveway and i connect my phone. We made a playlist full of our favourite songs to play when we do go drives.


"Why don't you just start one then?" Dad asks

"I don't know, it would be weird filming in front of everyone"

Footballer Daughter/Remi FodenWhere stories live. Discover now