743 10 4

Tuesday 22nd March

"Hello Remi, how are you?"

"Not too bad, yourself?"

"Yeah great thanks"

Everyone gathers in the main area. Remi stands around with Shea and Callum as she's waits for Millie as they sit around Remi looks over to the door and see a not so pleasant face walk in

"Oh my god" Remi says under he breath

"What?" Shea asks eyes sticking up at her

"Take a look at who just walked in" she whispers and the three look over and Callum quickly wraps his arm around Remi's shoulder protectively

"Moving on from that twat, when were the two of you going to tell me?"

"What'd you mean?" Callum asks

"Rem i've known you since i was three, Callum i've known you since i was six. You think i can't tell when you've had sex?"

"shit" the two mumble

"hey, as long as you're being safe, that's all that matters to me i'm not ready to be an uncle yet and let's face it Andrew is already a great uncle if he found out that his nephews, daughter was having not a child then i don't think her would be overly thrilled"

"Yeah well we always use protection so you-"

"Millie!" Remi squeals getting out of Callum's arm

"don't need to worry" Callum finishes watching Remi walk up to Millie

"They two are actually inseparable" Shea smiles as Remi hugs her best friend

"You can say that again"

"Shea" Millie smiles jumping into Sheas arms

"There's my gorgeous girl, how are you?"

"I'm good" she smiles kissing him  "Guys this is Ronnie Stutter, Ron this is Remi, Callum and Shea"

"Ronnie i like the name" Remi smiles shaking his hand

"Thought you might and you must be Shea, heard a lot about you"

"Yeah heard about you too"

"What position do you play Ronnie"

"I'm a forward"

"Ah well i'm sure you, me and Callum can be the most feared front three"

"certainly can"

"All right everyone gather around, we are going to give you a talk, then you get your numbers and after then you'll get room allocations. You will get an hour free time during that time get changed and we will get you down for your training session. Any questions?"

Nobody puts their hands up and everyone moves to the bleachers and they start to call out a register

"Now this registration is completely random so listen carefully"

"Ronnie Stutter"


"Remi Foden"


"Danny Johnson"


"Iwan Roberts"


"Great so my girlfriends ex and the boy that tried to get with my girlfriend is here" Callum says as the register finishes

"You dated Iwan Roberts?" Ronnie laughs

"Worse Danny"

"Nobody could be worse of who i ever went with"

"Ha tell her" Millie laughs

"Emma Kane"

"no way"

"okay everyone listen back up again, im going to call out numbers, once you hear your name come and get your langyard which can be used for getting into rooms and if you go off campus which you will be allowed to do granted permission. Photos will be taken once everyone is sorted"

All numbers are called out, Remi is given number 9, Callum is given number 11, Shea is given number 3, Millie is given number 8, Ronnie is given number 10 and Danny is given number 7


"What are you wearing to go down?" Remi asks as she puts her final shirt in her drawers

"It's like 27 degrees, i'm just going to wear my shorts and a shirt"

"Girls it's us can we come in" Shea says from the other side of the door

"Yeah come in" the girls say in sync

Ronnie, Shea and Callum all walk through the door in their kit

"Hey, guess who's in the same room?" Callum smirks

"I'm going to guess by the smirk on your face Iwan and Danny"

"Yep, oh this just keeps better" he smiles throwing himself onto the bed

"Girls it's Ryan can i come in please" Ryan says chapping on the door

"Yeah come on in"

"Hello girls, boys i'm just here to get your passports. Boys do you have yours?"

"Yeah here ours here"

Everyone hands over their passports and Ryan looks around the room before getting ready to leave

"Okay you lot, be downstairs in about 15 minutes and remember you're not allowed in each other's rooms past 10. Once you guys get down there we will give you a walk through of the week"

"Okay thanks Ryan"


"After this meeting you will have your first training session, around six o'clock tonight you will have your dinner afterwards we will have individual meetings with everyone. And after that it's free time"

Everyone mumbles a some sort of yes and get up as the coaches come in

"Hi Mia" Danny says approaching Callum, Millie and Remi

"oh the dickhead is still here" Millie scoffs

"Millie Mae have you missed me?"

"No but i think you've missed my foot up your arse, fuck off before you feel it again"

"ah honey you clearly haven't seen the group sheet. There's groups of five and i'll give you my five, well there's me, Iwan, Ronnie, Archie and who else oh i think it was Remi"

"You're having a laugh" Shea says

"Oh don't worry Callum, we're going to take great care of Remi" Iwan smirks walking up behind them

"Don't worry, i'll be there" Ronnie sighs

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