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It's been about 3 hours since Uncle Andrew left with Dad and Mum. Callum and I are cuddled on the couch

"If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?" Callum asked with his arm around me Ronnie already asleep I'm his bed "New York City, by far" I say as we watch a movie "why the city?" He looks at me "Always wanted to go but either Dad was busy with football or I was" I sigh looking up at him

"You're really pretty you know" he mumbles to me looking down at me "Yeah you're really pretty too" I laugh "Remi I'm serious, you're pretty" he smiles laughing at me "I like this" he starts "just us two, you know? You make me feel relaxed" his eyes don't fall off of me and mines lock with his

Before I know it, Callum and I are leaning in and he moves his hand to my chin. Millimetres away.

The door bursts open "hi guys! We're home!" Dad yells in a tone that doesn't wake Ronnie. Quickly Callum and I move away from each other "hi Phil" he smiles "hi becca" he stutters "you guys ok?" Dad asks looking at us in confusion "yeah, we're fine" Callum and I reply at the exact same time "I'm going to get heading home" Callum says quickly getting his shoes on "you wanting a lift kid?I've not had too much to drink" Dad asks "I'm fine, thanks Phil. Bye guys. I'll message you later Rem" and just like that I watch him walk out the door

"What's up with him?" Mum asks sitting down next to me "i don't think he was feeling too well" I lie "we've got some news actually" Dad says sitting down across from me "mums pregnant" dad smiles "she knows Phil" mum smiles "she helped me tell you today" mum smiles

I thought Dad would have been a bit pissed off at the fact I knew before him but instead he was even more excited

"You excited then?" Dad asks with a smile "I'm extremely excited Dad, and happy for both of you. How you guys going to tell Ronnie. He's 3. I was 13 when you guys told me. He wont understand"

"Well we've thought about it actually. We will ask him stuff about a little brother or sister, and then when he understands a little bit more we will explain it to him" Dad explains "smart"

"When did Ronnie go to bed?" Mum asks "about 8:30" I say "alright Princess, it's midnight. Go to bed" Dad says moving my head forward "night, love you guys" I call walking upstairs "love you Princess"

I walk into my room and lay down on my bed trying to process what had happened with Callum "what the fuck" I mumble to myself. I think about what to and I need to tell someone what happened. At first I thing Shea but he will go all big brother on me and he will also say something to Callum. Ava, Noah, Mikey and Ryan are the next people to pop into my mind.

I click FaceTime on the group chat before waiting a couple of seconds before someone joins the call.

"Hi Rem" Ryan smiles through the phone

"Hi Ry"

"You good?" He asks now with a worry on his face

"Just wait till everyone is on"

After about 10 seconds of more ringing, everyone is now on the call.

"Ok, don't over react but I need to tell you guys something and I don't know what to do"

"Did you kill someone?" Mikey jokes

"No Michael I didn't" I smile rolling my eyes

"Remi, what happened?" Ava asks

"So, as i told you guys. Mums pregnant and today she was telling Dad over a dinner. So Callum asked to hang out tonight but I was looking after Ronnie, so Callum offered to come over and help so we were still hanging out. So we put Ronnie to bed and we were on the couch cuddling and he said 'you're so pretty' and I said it back but he turned to me and said it more seriously. We both locked eyes and we started leaning in and then Dad and Mum came home. We jumped apart and then Callum left barely saying anything"

Footballer Daughter/Remi FodenWhere stories live. Discover now