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Friday 22nd April
Remi and Millie's flat

"Why is he coming over?"  Millie asks putting the final plate into the dishwasher

"He wants to talk apparently"

"So you're letting him just come in here to have a chat? After him literally going to Wembley? To you're game?with one of the people that hurt you most?"

"As much as i hate to say it, i'm not getting back together with him but i need to hear him out and he needs to hear me out, i still want us to have a friendship, he is my teammate and it's not like i can hate him"

"Fine and i'm not trying to control you when i say don't get back together with him but he did give up on you so easily"

"i know you're not controlling me Mill, you're trying to look out for me. Anyways enough about me, where are you and Shea going for date day today?"

"Just out for breakfast so if you think you can have a secret shag then think again. I will be back within a couple hours"

"Yes, thank you mum"

The knock at the implies that it will be either Shea or Callum, in fact it's both

"Right i mean it, a couple hours and if i hear any shit about you being a prick Callum you will feel the back of my hand" Millie says glaring at him as she walks out with Shea

"She's funny" Callum laughs

"I don't think she was joking" Remi says closing the door

"Ah right well do you want to-"

"Just get to your point Callum. I really am not in the mood for this bullshit. I'm still hurt from what happened nearly a week ago"

"Can we please sit down first?"

"Sure, whatever" she says gesturing to the couch

A knock at the door interrupts them.

"Come in!" Remi shouts and James walks through the door

He looks at Callum, then at Remi "Just dropping off your binder, and i'm getting my charger"

"Thanks your charger is left out on my bed"

He nods and sit the folder on the kitchen counter and going through to Remi's room to collect his charger

They sit in awkward silence until James comes out

"Right twinkle toes, im going to get going. Call me if you need me" he says kissing her forehead and heading out the door

"You and James?"

"You and Emma?"

"How many times Rem, it wasn't like that!"

"Well i still haven't got an explanation"

"You explain why you and James have gotten so close and i'll explain the Emma situation"

"The Emma situation? Is that what we're calling it?" Remi scoffs

"I'm just going to leave" Callum says standing up

"Oh Callum just sit down"

"Explain you and James first"

"Okay but i don't know what there is to explain. Him and I are friends, he's been helping me since we broke up"

"That doesn't explain why he came over and why his charger is here"

"Well incase you didn't notice the big folder sitting on the kitchen counter he was dropping that off and i forgot my charger on Wednesday, so he let me borrow his, he was taking it back. Now you and Emma?"

"Look i know what it looked like but it's completely innocent, i promise"

"Please don't make promises Callum, i don't believe the ones you make anymore"

"And why not?"

"You promised me, the night in New York that you would never give up on us and that's exactly what you did"

-New York City-

"i want us to take our kids here in the future" Callum says swinging their hands back and forth

"When we have kids we can't forget about Freddie"

"Babe, we literally made him an hour ag-" Callum pauses and looks at his girlfriend with the slight smile on her face "i just realised how weird that sounds"

"We just made him at build a bear less than-" he starts again before pausing "it's not helping you having a dirty mind" he laughs putting Remi in a headlock

"I don't think there is a way to put it without it sounding weird"

"No there's not, but my point is he isn't our kid yet, plus when the little humans are crawling about Freddie will have to remain in our bed throughout the day"

"Little Humans? Freddie in our bed all day? That poor frog"

They through jokes back and forth, and are now sat in a small café. Across from each other, Freddie sat on Callum's knee

"You love that's stupid Frog" Remi laughs

"Oi, that's our son you're talking about"

"Point is you love him"

"I love you more"

"You're making me cringe but i love you more" she smiles playing with her hands

"What's going on in that pretty head? What are you thinking?"  he asks staring at her

"Can you promise me something?"

"Of course i can" he says putting his arms on the table, listening closely to what she had to say

"Can you promise me you'll never give up on us?"

"Remi Cody Claire Foden, i promise you that i am never giving up on us, as long as i'm alive. There's nothing stopping us"

"I'm sorry for breaking my promise babe"

"Please don't call me that, now i know from that response, i should probably give up too. Considering you don't sound like you want to fix it"

"I just don't know what i want right now Rem, it's a lot to take in that you're not going to be with me everyday since we've been together everyday since we were eleven. I'm going to miss you"

"I'm going to miss you too but i did say that i would still make time for you, you just didn't give me a chance to explain"

"Right i'm sorry"

"Callum i'm sorry but it's going to bug me, i need to know what's going on between you and Emma, it really just depends if we can be friends or not"

"Okay, i'll explain. Emma and I are friends. She's been helping me with girl advice, ever since St George's"

"What do you mean girl advice?"

"Well, as much as i love Millie i know she can't keep anything from you, I got you this promise ring and i asked Emma to help me pick one out, since she used to be your best friend. She said that this one looks like the one your Gran wore. When we gave up i barely had a chance to talk to her, so she told me to meet her going down to Wembley since she was in Manny seeing someone from the United team and she will talk to me then. Emma is just my friend Remi, and i know your hurt from her hurting you and i'm not trying to stick by her but i can tell she's sorry for what she done. And i'm sorry, for not letting you explain and for breaking my promise"

"It's exactly like the one my Gran wore" Remi says staring at the ring

"Even if we aren't together, i still want you to have it"

"I still want us to be friends, but right now.  As much as it pains me to say it, i think it's best if we're not together"

"You know i love you"

"i love you too"

2 in the one night? I'm going to sleep now

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