Chapter 42

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Shanique Munroe

"Are you done with the document?" I asked the new A.E on our team.

She started a month now but has been having issues keeping up with the deadlines. I've asked her countless times if she needs any help but everytime she says she fine.

She nuh fucking fine because she is not meeting my deadlines.

"No, I'm still working on some final touches." She answers with a slight attitude.

I chuckled a bit because it's obvious she doesn't understand who I am.

"Share what you have already done with me. I don't have all day to sit down and wait for you to add whatever touches you think is needed." I say dismissing her.

I refocused my attention on my computer monitor, silently dismissing her. She stood there for a good two minutes until I looked up at her again. I raised my brow in a questioning manner.

Is a mad bumboclaat gyal this?

"May I help you with something else Ms Pryce?" I addressed her formally.

I honestly didn't have a problem with her during the interview process but now she highlighting that she really fucking dumb.

Why she stand up in here when mi send her fi go do something?

"I was wondering if I could have the day this Friday. I have a previous appointment that I can't resechdule." She says.

I stared at her blankly.

I consider myself a lenient boss but this girl just a irk mi. For the past month since she has been here she has barely completed any work, and the ones that she did complete had to be corrected.

Look at her now a ask fi day off now and she not even pass probation.

"Send me an email." I quiped. "Now get out of my office please." I say, dismissing her a second time.

Thankfully she leaves this time. I rolled my eyes hard, before opening up Gmail. I quickly drafted an email to Anderson explaining the situation with the new hire and seeking his advice on how to deal with the situation.

Technically she is still going through probation; I don't want to fire her before assessing all the possible solutions. Knowing Anderson, he'll probably say give her a warning and then move from there but I'm over this girl and just want him to deal with her.

He won't though, because he has stepped back from the day to day operation of the business. That is my job. He mostly work on expanding our clientele and dealing with our VIP customers. However, there are situations that I rather get his opinion on before I make a decision.

Mi honestly feel stressed out. We have been expanding the team to accommodate the company's growth. Honestly, it look we should have just kept who we had originally. I never realized how incompetent these graduates are.

You can't fucking give them anything to do without holding their hands. Mi nah hold nobody hands cause Anderson never hold mine. I remember when it was just me one a handle all of this. Sometimes I would get some things to do and I wouldn't understand one rahtid thing that I had to do. When mi done google sometimes, my eyes would burn me due to the excessive screen time.

Nobody wants to do their ducking research. Well sucks for them because I'm not keeping any deadweight. If you're not performing, you have to go. Nah mek no dumbass run the little business that my husband trust me with into the ground.

I suck my teeth loudly, eyeing the door that the pretty dunce just walk through. I have to give it to her though cause she really fix up herself for work everyday. She never hace a day that she look shabby. I just wish that she would put that energy into learning her role.

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