Chapter 27

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Shanique Munroe-Grant

Trigger Warning

I was woken up by sharp pains in my abdomen.  It felt like someone was using a knife to stab me multiple times and it was becoming unbearable. I tried to be quiet but the pain was too much and I found my self screaming bloody murder.

The door to the room flew open and Dan was standing at the door breathing heavily.

"Shan! Wah happen to yuh?" He said, running over to kneel by my bedside. I could only scream in response making him jump. He looked scared.

He flicked on the lights and pulled back the covers making us look down between my legs. There was an excessive amount of blood. I started to scream more and Dan stumbled back from me.

"Bumboclaat Shanique, wah the fuck this?" He asked and I shook my head not sure of what to say.

"Oh God! Dan mi a dead, god mi belly!" I cried out as another sharp pain rocked my stomach.

"We affi go a the hospital Shan. Fuck, a wah this star?" He cried getting up off the floor and running towards the bathroom.

I was scared to move due to the blood. Dan came back with a towel helping me to stand up and wrapped it around my waist. Lifting me up, he walked out into the living room, stopping to grab his keys and wallet before taking me to the car.

When the car came on I realized it was only five in the morning and that he was probably up trading. I couldn't even feel bad due to how much pain I was experiencing in the moment. I rested my head on the cold window and held on tightly as Dan drove like a mad man down Hope Road.

Getting to Andrew's felt like it took forever, but really it was only 8 or 10 minutes. I was dying.

Dan screamed bloody murder for a porter and before I could really get my bearings straight I was being whisked away in a wheel chair.

The next hour or so was a blur for me as I was given pain meds shortly after my arrival. I just remembered the agony in Dan's voice piercing through my sleep haze and I wanted to reach out and hug him but my arms felt like lead.

I kept hearing him yell "No!" at the doctor while my mind slowly faded to black. What's wrong with him? I wanted to comfort him. Dan's upset, I don't like that.


"I'm not in my bed" was the first conscious thought I had. The bed was itchy and small and the mattress was a bit hard.

Opening my eyes, I took a second to observe my surrounding. The room had white and yellow walls and there was a tiny chair in the corner a little ways from the bed. Anderson occupied the chair and he was sleeping. He doesn't look comfortable.

Assessing myself I realize I was wearing a hospital gown and a tube that was attached to an IV was stuck in my arm. The events leading to my hospitalization floods my mind and I grew scared for what may have caused the heavy bleeding. I had a few theories that I'm not sure I wanted to voice just yet.

Looking out the window I see that it's daylight but I'm not sure if it's the same day. I can't see any clocks close by and I don't want to wake up Anderson to ask him the time. I want him to sleep.

Laying in the bed my mind started to drift to work and all the meetings I had lined up. Hopefully, the team was able to think on their feet and handle what they could on their own.

I need my phone. I want to check in with them and see how things are going. Anderson had a meeting with a potential client the morning of my incident as well, hopefully this doesn't affect the deal. I need my iPad so I can go through our schedules to see how I can rearrange things. Sigh.

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