Chapter 41

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Anderson Grant

"It's great seeing you Greg! How's the wife and kids?" I ask my attorney. It's been awhile since I had to physically come into his office, seeing that we mostly correspond via email.

"They're good y'know. Abbey started gymnastics a few months ago so now all the girls are super busy. It's like I have to start setting appointments to spend time with them." He tells me and we share a laugh.

"So how is the wife? I haven't seen her in awhile." He asked and I smiled.

Shanique is crazy. Everyday she comes with something new that just has me wondering how I got so lucky.

"Shan is good. Just a little under the weather today. As a matter of fact, she is the reason why I even came here to see you." I tell him.

"I want you to start going about editing some paperwork for me." I explained and he leaned back in his chair.

"What kind of paperwork?" He asks after awhile.

I smiled.

"Everything that I own that her name isn't on. I need her to be added as equal benefactor of all the business, properties, investments, accounts. Everything. I know we covered some bases with the Will, but I want to double down so there is no loophole if things come down to it." I say and he looks shock.

Knowing my family, if I should fall down and die tomorrow they are going to try and bar Shanique from getting what she rightfully deserves. I've been thinking about legalizing Shanique's rights to my fortune ever since I had that conversation with my mom and dad. What's mine will now be hers.

"Mr Grant, that's a lot of paperwork." Greg says and I raised my brow at him. A wah mi a pay him fah?

"Well then, I would suggest that you get the team on it right  away. In any case I have a spreadsheet of all my assets for easy tracking. I can share that with you as soon as I get to my computer. I would love for all of this to be sorted out within the month." I say getting up.

He too got out of his seat to shake my hand, after which I promptly left his office building. I have a meeting with Leo and Leah and I'm already late. However, I'm not in any hurry, they both can wait.

Sliding into my upgraded Benz-AMG truck, I started it up and drove out of the lawyers office. I had a lot of shit to cover today, including Shanique's tasks. She wasn't feeling well today and opted to stay home.

With my wife sick, I am not in the mood to be out later than I need to be. It's just her and her overgrown pitpull that's there and knowing her, she goodly have the dog in a mi bed a cuddle up with right now.

Tired fi talk to Shan bout she and this dog.

I was meeting up with the twins at Cannon Ball cafe. This wasn't a courtesy call but they insisted on meeting me there so I decided to entertain the idea. I might as well get something to eat, if I'm about to be doing the devils work.

The twins and I have been friends for a long time. They were my closest neighbors growing up and I was invited to a lot of their birthday parties and sleep overs. Despite this, I wasn't as close with them as I was with CJ who I met when I started high school in Jamaica.

By logic, I should be closer to them, but we just never fully clicked to that extent. Leo was a free spirit who I think doesn't take too many things seriously and Leah is controlling. She has always gotten jealous over any one we try to befriend outside of our group but me being me, had ignored this trait due to my introverted ways.

Her jealousy over the relationship that I have with Shanique is something that I've taken note of. Over the past two years she has been actively trying to plant seeds of doubt into my mind about my relationship but mi is a youth weh nuh easy fi programme. Her final blow was her calling my wife a bitch and telling her I met up with my ex.

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