Chapter 6

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Shanique Munroe


I opened my eyes and closed them immediately. My head felt like someone tied a hundred elastic bands around it and the tension was unbearable.

The room was silent. I opened my eyes once more. It was also dark. Too dark to be my room at that. Where am I?

I slowly sat up in the bed. The too-large bed was definitely not my twin bed. I looked down to check myself and sighed as thankfully, I'm fully dressed, minus my shoes.

Where are my shoes and where is that man that told me he's taking me home? This is not my home!

I hear a beep and a tablet-like device illuminated the room. Suddenly, a robotic voice sounded in the room.

"End of workout." The fuck. The lit screen of the tablet shows that it's 7 am and highlighted a bottle of water that's on the same mini table. That must be mine. I slowly walked towards it, it was sealed. Opening the cork, I drank the entire thing, not realizing how thirsty I was.

After emptying the bottle I carefully placed it back on the table, making a note to find the bin later. I made my way back to the centre of the room and climbed into the bed. The tension in my head had decreased a bit after drinking the water, but I still felt weird so I'm gonna sleep it off a bit.


I woke up sometime later by a bright light. Rolling over, I pulled the duvet over my head and tried to find my comfortable spot again to get some more sleep.

"Aht aht, no you don't." I heard that deep-ass voice. Anderson.

The duvet is pulled from my head and I instantly made eye contact with Anderson, who was crouched at the side of the bed, one hand on the bedding and the other holding another bottle of water.

I slowly sat up blinking at him. Wow. I know I look like shit and here is this gorgeous man staring at me with so much concern.

"Hi" my voice croaked. Oh, God!

"Hello, sleeping beauty." He says, I hear a bit of amusement in his voice. "I brought you another bottle of water. You need to drink as much as you can today." He goes on to say.

I took it. I was a little subconscious about just waking up from a deep sleep and having this man staring into my mawning. I don't even know if brigel deh pon mi mouth. Lawd god!

Anderson stood up after watching me drink the water. I guess he was now satisfied.

With him now giving me some space I could ask the burning question I had without being concerned about killing this man with my morning breath.

"I thought you were taking me home last night?" I asked, holding my head down so he couldn't see how nervous I was.

"Oh, I had everything intension to" was his response as he walked towards a door that I hadn't noticed before.

"When we reach Papine though, you decided that sleep was more important than giving me directions to your house." He said, turning slightly to give me a look. Welp!

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