Rick looked at Shaun and eventually smiled. "I will." Then he clasped Shaun's hand in one tight grip as he made a silent promise that he intended to keep.

Shaun paced away from Rick and headed back towards the beach house to grab his bag; his heart felt lighter. Living every day and having your conscience eaten away was a disturbing sight. It's weighing him down, his confidence and self-image. When he reached the house, he went back to the bedroom where Jess was resting, he paused and stared at her.

"I'm sorry for your loss Jess and I hope you'll be happy. You must be happy. You will always be family to me. I love you" he whispered and kissed her cheek.

With one final stare, Shaun steps out of the house and paces his way back to his car. When he started the ignition and listened to it, he paused and breathed slowly. He smiled as he drove through the aquatic sunshine scenery, amid a sea blue petal, he felt his hands tighten on the steering wheel. It turned out to be a good day, to say the least. The warm feeling he felt inside as he moved onward to the horizon gave Shaun a sweet sense of freedom. He remembered what Rick said, he wanted to be better too, for himself, for his career, and even in silence for Jess. This time he knows he's ready.


Jess groaned. She was lost in an endless maze, she felt that she had been running around in circles for a while now. She was confused as to which path to take and the more she walked further the heavier it felt to go on. There's no way to escape, she's lost.

"Hello? Anyone there? Help me please!" she screamed.

She decided to rest and sat there, she had lost all hope, figuring she was never going to get out. Suddenly, Rick walked through the walls. Jess sat and stared as he passed through the maze that stems into the still-sunlit path. He smiled and beaconed her to come. He extended his arms.

"Follow me," Rick said with one of his tantalizing grins.

Jess reached out to Rick and wrapped her fingers around his hand, her heart flooded with relief. She's safe now, she's with him.

Jess suddenly opened her eyes and realized it was a weird dream. Why would she be in a maze? Does that mean anything perhaps? She doesn't know. She cast her eyes around and noticed the darkness in her room though a ray of light glared from the living room.

What time is it anyway? she asked herself. She checked her clock and it was already past eight.

How long did I sleep? she asked herself. 

She got up and noticed the cooling pad on her forehead. She carefully opened her door and peeked outside when she saw Rick, he was preoccupied in the kitchen with only his jeans and apron on.

She swallowed. How come he's looking so sexy? 

Fortunately, He didn't notice her presence, his brows were crossed as he was busy making ravioli. Jess was staring at him; she rested her head on the door frame while she continued to pay attention to his actions. Rick was there in the darkest moment of her life, she didn't know anyone in this town, and losing her mom like that was very traumatic, but he was there for her. Helping her, while she focused on her grievance, Rick took care of the other stuff. She can't even imagine doing everything all at once during those difficult days.

Her mind trailed on their last encounter in the villa, she vividly remembered it, how Rick turned his back away from her and spite on not wanting to see her again.

I am not even sure if I am fully healed from it too. She thought. So why are you here in my kitchen and knocking in my life again Rick Reed?

Rhythm of Heartbreak (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon