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     "Legolas stop worrying. You're gonna freak me out." Maeve clapped her elven boyfriend on the shoulder. "Your fathers gonna love me." She hoped anyway.

   The two elves were currently traveling by horseback through Mirkwood.

  Legolas took a deep breath as he focused on leading the way. He wished he could be more laid back about seeing his Ada, but he simply couldn't sit still. He was constantly shifting in his saddle, loosening and tightening his grip randomly on the reins.

   He could feel his home as they walked through some bushes. As they parted Legolas finally laid eyes on his home. The home he'd left some time ago.

   He watched as the guards straighten up and shout for them to stop. Ignoring the command Legolas continues to ride his horse forward.

   The guards look gobsmacked as they watch their Prince ride up to the doors of the palace. They however remember their job and block off the unfamiliar elleth from entering.

"Stop! Allow her through." Legolas quickly berated the guards and they bowed respectfully.

"Forgive is your Highness." Legolas nods his head an dismount his horse, Maeve following along and doing the same.

  Legolas silently hands over the reins to the guards and ushers Maeve through the doors. Leaving the guards clutching to the reins of two horses very confused.

  Maeve laughs and falls into step beside Legolas. Gently she grabs his hand in her own and tugs him into a slower pace. He gratefully squeezes her hand and continues walking.

   It didn't take long for the two to find the throne room. Legolas easily led Maeve there and turned to look at her.

"I ask that you stay out here and allow me to talk to my father alone first. I am not sure he will be very understanding."

  Maeve frowns by nods nonetheless. If Legolas wished to speak to his father alone then who was she to stop him? It was probably better for him to explain first anyway.

  Legolas bends down and softly kissed her forehead.

"Wait for me." He wait for Maeve to nod before turning around and taking a deep breath.

   Legolas pushed open the large throne room doors and walks forward. He immediately catches his Ada's eyes. Watching as they widen and then he swiftly stands and descended from his throne.

   Thranduil feels his eyes widen in shock. His son stood there directly in front of him. Not dead from the war of Mordor, not even injured it seems. He stood quickly and walked to his son. He saw Legolas go to open his mouth, no doubt to start rambling on about something stupid.

   Before Legolas could get a word out he felt the air leave his lungs. His Ada had grabbed a hold of him and pulled him in for a hug. Crushing his body against his own.


   Legolas's shocked shout worried Maeve. She hated to do it but she would not allow something bad to happen to Legolas. She quickly ran and pushed open the large door. It swung open loudly and she stopped just as quickly as she started.

  There her boyfriend stood wrapped in his fathers arms. Both mens eyes were wide with shock. Looks like she ruined a moment.

"Ah... my bad." Maeve chuckles bashfully and awkwardly shuffled backwards.

"Guards!" Thranduil's voice boomed loudly.

"Ada wait!" Legolas broke from their hug and stepped in front of Maeve. "She's here with me."

   Thranduil stared on in shock as his son explained his relationship with the elleth. Thranduil was very confused to say the least. He knew Legolas had gained somewhat of an attraction towards elleths before but that's as far as he'd seen it go.

   He never suspected his son would bring a random elleth from anywhere on Middle Earth. His eyebrows raised and he looked to the elleth.

   She stood tall with long wavy golden blonde hair, her grey eyes stared straight into Thranduils blue ones. He was surprised to find the elleth showed no fear in her gaze. Her gaze however showed respect and loyalty, loyalty to his son. He sighed. How was he suppose to go about this?

"Legolas?" Thranduil's deep voice was directed at his son.

"Ada?" He looked into Legolas's eyes.

"You're old enough to make your own decisions Legolas. If you believe she is the one, then I suppose that's your decision." Thranduil stilled as Legolas smiled happily at him.

   He smiled back lightly and patted Legolas's head gently. He then turned his head and regarded Maeve.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Maeve." Was the last thing Thranduil said before leaving the room.

   Maeve watched as Legolas let a breath of relief as his father excited the room. Her chuckle gathered his attention however.

"It's not funny Mae. I was seriously worried." Legolas sighed dramatically and flopped his head on her shoulder. Maeve simply gave him a small laugh.

   Legolas frowned and wrapped his arms around Maeve's waist. Quickly picking her up and holding her over his shoulder.

"Legolas! Put me down now!" She cried out and wiggled in his arms.

"Not gonna happen Mae. Let me show you around." He laughed as she struggled even more as he started moving.

"Legolas!!!!" Was the shout heard throughout the entire palace.

A shocking adventure (LOTR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now