Left Behind

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     "Mae?! Mae can you hear me?! Come on Mae, stay awake!" 

   Legolas rode Maeve's horse up to the very top of Minas Tirith. He couldn't waste any time. Maeve had to see Gandalf.

   He urged the horse faster and shouted for the villagers to move from the road. He made quick time of the spiral and dismounted with Maeve in his arms.

"Gandalf!" Was the only thing heard throughout the throne room.

   Three heads look up at the shout of a familiar voice.

"Legolas?" Aragorn questions as he stormed in with a still Maeve in his arms.

"She's been poisoned with orc poison Gandalf! You must do something and quickly!"

   Gandalf rushed towards them and takes one look at Maeve and breathes deeply.

"We must get her to the medical wing. I can heal her there." Legolas nods his head and follows Gandalf out of the room.

"Is she going to make it?" Aragorn turns at the sound of Pippins voice.

"Of course she will Pippin. She's too stubborn to die from such a thing." Pippin does not give a reply. "Why don't we go and at least offer our support quickly?" Aragorn received a nod and they walk after the other two.

"Place her down there." Legolas softly places Maeve on a cot and steps back. His heart felt heavy and he did not enjoy the feeling. It was a feeling he had never felt before, something he was so unfamiliar with.

  The crazy part was he was not against such feelings he had for Maeve. In fact he felt so strongly about possibly pursuing these feelings. Though he hadn't an idea of how to do so. He was not sure how to go about asking Maeve for something more.

  Legolas broke out of his train of thought when he hear a knock on the door. Looking up to find that Gandalf had already finished and was gone, he stood. He must have zoned out for a while.

   He opened the door to find Aragorn on the other side. Pippin probably having run off somewhere to find Merry since the battle was over.
"We must set out again my friend." Legolas raised an eyebrow.

"To where."


  He nodded his head.

"I will meet you outside in five minutes." Aragorn nodded his head and gave Legolas a soft smile. Having understood why he needed the few moments alone with Maeve.

   Legolas crossed the room, quietly approaching Maeve's sleeping body. He took in her sleeping form and smiled. Though it didn't last long when he realized how angry she will be with him after this.

    He sighed and gently caressed the side of her cheek. Brushing some of her golden hair out of her face. Legolas bent down briefly and left a soft kiss on her forehead. Hopefully she'll find it in her heart today forgive him.

   Legolas quickly swung his bow and quiver over his back and opened the door. Taking one last glance back at Maeve as he steps out. Legolas stops and stares as the sun had just perfectly hit her face. Her head was turned towards him, the sun made her look ethereal in his opinion.

   He shook off the thought and quickly refocused himself. It would do him no good to be distracted during their battle.

   Legolas gently closes the door and heads outside, where Aragorn and no doubt many others awaited him.

   It was only an hour later that Maeve had opened her eyes. Adjusting them to the light beaming into them, she looks around the room. She spots the assortment of different vials laying around. She must have been in the medical wing or the palace.

   Maeve groaned as she sat up slowly. Her whole body was aching at the moment. However her eyes shoot open and she jumps up from her sitting position. The battle in Mordor! She had completely forgot about it.

    She looks down quickly seeing her clothes in a very messy state. She shrugs and grabs her chest plate as she swiftly makes her exit. Why had no one woken her up? Legolas... she was gonna punch him later.

   Though as she raced through the corridors looking for a way out, she found that she didn't really mind being left out of this one. Sure she could fight somewhat but Maeve felt at this pout she was pushing her luck slightly.

   Finally finding an exit she roughly pushed the doors open to find three figures standing in the distance. She walked up to them and as she got closer Maeve easily recognized them.

   The one on the far left was Princess Eowyn of Rohan. The kings niece was surely a beauty.
Maeve had honestly felt bad for the girl, obviously she had taken an interest in Aragorn. Poor girl really never had a chance.

   Next she finds Merry in the middle. Maeve however can tell that something was different about him. No doubt this adventure has changed all who've come on it. The poor Hobbits having it the worst.

Lastly to the far right was the familiar back of Faramir. Maeve remembers that this scene had happened in the movie.she wondered for how long they had been standing there?

   Maeve cleared her throat as she got closer. Three pairs of eyes immediately turn towards her quickly.

"Maeve!" Merry happily gave her a hug that she easily reciprocated.

"Merry it's good to see you."

"You as well." They parted from their hug and Maeve turned towards Eowyn.

"I am Maeve, it's a pleasure to meet you Princess." Maeve curtsied barely and smiled at Eowyn.

"You as well Maeve. Please call me Eowyn." She gently curtsied back and turned her gaze back to the body ridden valley below.

   Maeve frowned and then shook her head. Turning the other way she was met with Faramir's questioning look.

"I travelled with the Fellowship for some time, my name is Maeve."

   Faramir grasped her outstretched hand and shook it firmly. Before she could let go however he quickly brought her in for a squeezing hug.

"Thank you. From the bottom of my heart thank you for saving my brother." Wet tears landed on Maeve's shoulder as she cradled Faramir's head in her hands. She should have seen it coming. Faramir totally looks like the type to cry often.

   Maeve ruffled his hair and patted his back before detaching him from her. He sighed and wiped his eyes.

"I apologize for such a display. Please understand that my brother means very much to me."

"I understand." Maeve nodded in respect and gave the other two a nod each. She left quietly after Merry gave her a hug bye. Make her way down into the city to see what she could possibly help with.

   Maeve felt as if she needed something to distract her mind. She had been thinking of Legolas non stop since she had woke up. Sure during her conversations the thoughts had stopped, but the minute she had left they continued.

   Thoughts of him injured and unable to come back. She shook her head, not wanting to think such things. He would come back to her, he had too.

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