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     Maeve coughs aggressively. The dust from the door caving in was finally settling.

   Everything was completely dark as they all tried to look around.

   Suddenly Gandalfs staff lights up and shows the interior of the cave. Everything was jagged and the rocks were slightly wet from the temperature of the inside.

   Gandalf looks to the end of the cave and finds three different pathways.

"I have no memory of this place." Was the one thing everyone heard. What were they to do if the wizard didn't know the way? They were counting on him after all.

   Maeve clears her throat and sits down once again. Looks like they'll be waiting for hours again. She sighs and decides to rest her eyes for a bit. Unknowingly falling into a much needed sleep.

   Legolas glances over at Maeve only to do a double take. She was sound asleep leaning up against the wet cave wall. He makes a noise of distaste and walks slowly over to her.

   Gently he bends down and lifts her head away from the wet wall. Sitting beside her and allowing her head to rest comfortable on his shoulder. She scoots closer to him and wraps her arms around his left one, snuggling her head further into his neck.

   Legolas stiffens for a moment then slowly relaxes into the wall. He as well decides to close his eyes for a second. However he himself stays awake.

"Aha!" Came Gandalfs shout. "I've found the way."

   Maeve shot awake and crouched low in front of Legolas in a protective stance.

"Maeve?" Legolas gently grabbed her right shoulder and squeezed.

   Maeve relaxed as she remembered where she was. She stood to her full height and turned to Legolas.

"Thank you Legolas. You make an excellent pillow." She smiled and held out her hand to assist him in getting up.

  Legolas turns pink as he takes her offered hand. Getting to his feet he brushes his clothes off, keeping his face away from her observant eyes.

"I simply wished for you to finally get some proper rest is all." He replied while walking away towards Aragorn. He missed the confused look pass her face as he walks away quickly.

"What was that about mellon nin?" Aragorn asked immediately as he walked up to him.

"Nothing you should pay any mind too Estel." He brushes off Aragorns inquisitive look. He doesn't wish to talk about it because talking about it makes it real. Something about the elleth attracted him to her. He wished to know everything about her. But he knew it was not his place.

  They continued on through the correct path and found their way to the inner walls of Moria. They all stood there in shock and took in the beautiful architecture all around them.

   Maeve's jaw dropped and she was in complete awe. Never had she thought she would glance upon the inside of The Mines Of Moria in real life. She only ever imagined she'd see them over the TV.

"No!" Gimlis heartbroken cries were the thing that brought her out of her stupor. She watched as he ran into the off room and cried over his fallen brethren. She gave him a strong pat on the shoulder as she passed him.

   She then instead stood by Pippin to hopefully keep him from making a mess. Maeve steps in between the well and Pippin. She watches awkwardly as Gimli morns over his dead brethren.

   Maeve feels Pippin getting distracted and grabs his shirt pulling him back next to her.

"Stay put Pippin." He nods his head quickly and stands still.

   A noise coming from the door alerts everyone in the room of the goblin standing there. It looks in the room and grunts, quickly turning and running off. Legolas shoots an arrow at the thing, barely missing as it disappears behind the door.

"We must leave." Urges Maeve as she goes to move forward. Everyone nods there agreement and charges towards the door. Though as they attempt to leave they notice the hoard of goblins now blocking off their exit.

"Back to the room, quickly!" Gandalf orders and they swiftly listen to him. They barricade the door and stand back waiting for the inevitable.

   Suddenly the door burst down, showing the cave troll on the other side of it.

"They have a cave troll?!"

   Everyone went their different ways and started fighting off the goblins. Maeve quickly drew her sword and starting fending off the goblins one by one. She sticks to fighting near Merry and Pippin.

  Slashing every goblin that comes her way. Blood coats her sword and clothes all over. Maeve breathes deeply, keeping herself zoned into the fight. Everything and everyone blurred around her as she fought off the goblins.

   It didn't take long for them to clear the room out. Every goblin that came in was killed without mercy. Maeve came back into focus as everyone crowded around Frodo. She herself however was not worried because she knew he was wearing Mithril.

   As they pulled Frodo up everyone quickly made their way out of the room. They ran quickly out into the large halls and found themselves surrounded completely by thousands of goblins.

  Maeve found her back up against Legolas's. They shared a glance over their shoulders. Legolas couldn't describe the feeling he got when he looked into her eyes. Something strange must have clicked in his head. He couldn't live without this woman.

  A large roar broke Legolas out of his thoughts. Their eye contact was broken by everyone's heads turning towards the loud noise. The goblins around them freak out and scurry back into the walls they came from.

  Gandalf looks on in fear as he knows what creature produced such a roar.

"Run!" Was the only thing that could simply escape Gandalfs mouth. A Balrog had been awoken.

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