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    Legolas walked into his own tent, still carrying Maeve gently in his arms. If his Ada only saw him now, he'd probably throw a fit. He could only imagine how his Ada would feel about Maeve.

   Lowering himself into a sitting position he adjusts Maeve to be sitting sideways in his lap.

"It's time to let go now Mae." He whispered softly in her ear. She tensed and shuffled closer to his body. "We are no longer near the bridge Mae. You are safe now." Legolas continues to whisper encouraging words to Maeve as she lies in his arms.

   Maeve frowns in embarrassment. She can't believe she freaked out that bad back there. It had been years since she had a meltdown over her fear of heights.

  When she heard Legolas near her she felt immediately more safe. But then he had to go and pick her up. She still wasn't quite sure how she felt about that. She will say however that right now she did enjoy lying in his arms.

   Maeve sighs and gently released the back of Legolas's shirt from her grip. Slowly she slides her arms off his shoulders, feeling him shiver slightly from her touch. She puts her hands down in her lap and lifts her head up to meet his eyes.

   They lock eyes and neither look away. They're both silent as they study each other's eyes.

  Legolas notes the steel like grey that takes over her eyes. He watches, captivated as they slowly take in his own eyes. Watching them gleam with pure intelligence and mystery.

  Maeve feels time slow as she stares into Legolas's beautiful blues. They're like the calm of the middle of the ocean. Nothing can make them waver. His eyes shine with bravery and confidence. Maeve marvels in the fact that he was allowing her to see anything at all.

   She found Legolas usually always had on a stone like exterior. A poker face if you would.

  Maeve was the first to break eye contact. Her cheeks had gained a pink color now and she was embarrassed to continue looking. Her thoughts were getting cringy.

  Legolas smiled softly at the elleth in front of him. He found her quite cute.

"Where are we?" Maeve asked breaking the silence.

"We are in the elven city of Lothlórien." Legolas watched her eyes light up with excitement. He chuckles and gently strokes her cheek. As Maeve looks up at him he coughs and pulls his hand away, his face now turning a pink color. He clears his throat and glances out of the tent. "It is still light enough out to explore. Would you like to?"

  Without a word Maeve jumps up and grabs  Legolas's hand. She pulls him to his feet and takes off out of the tent still holding onto him.

   It was hours later that Aragorn finally saw Legolas and Maeve. He knew they were going exploring but he didn't think it would take so long. Unless...? Nah no way. He shakes his head and makes his way towards the newly returned elves.

  As he gets close he watches Maeve lightly touch Legolas's arm and speak a few words before walking off.

"What was that about?" Aragorn asks as he got close enough. Legolas turns to Aragorn surprised.

"Ah, nothing.." Aragorn raised an eyebrow in disagreement. "Seriously she just said goodnight..." He trials off with a light dusting of pink on the tip of his ears.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you like Maeve, mellon nin." Aragorn sarcastically whispered to Legolas.

   Legolas feels his face grow hotter under the accusation. How could he not thought? She was absolutely stunning and he couldn't help it. Something about her was just so magnetic to him. He felt the need to be near her.

   Aragorn takes in his friends red face and thoughtful look. He only meant to joke around with him a bit. Seems Legolas was not entirely aware of his own feelings yet. Whoops.

"What am I suppose to do? Surely my father would not approve?" Legolas looked lost in Aragorns opinion. He forgets that even though to him Legolas is old, to elves he's technically still young. And from what Aragorn knew, Legolas had never been involved with a woman. Too afraid of what his father would have to say.

  Aragorn sighs and places a hand on Legolas's shoulder.

"Calm down mellon nin. Everything will be just fine. It is alright to like a girl." He squeezes Legolas's shoulder tightly and pats it. "Now go and win her heart." Aragorn says happily while shoving Legolas forward.

   The look Aragorn got was one of confusion and anxiety. Still Legolas did not stop moving in the direction he was shoved. He knew he was bound to find Maeve.

   Legolas decided on his way back to their camp that he would just let whatever feelings he had for Maeve pass. Surely they would go away if he ignored them right?

   With a clear plan in mind Legolas made his way to his personal tent. Opening the tent he jumps in surprise to find Maeve in it. She looks up at him sheepishly and shrugs her shoulders.

"There were no other tents. I feel more comfortable around you." She explained. The mention of her comfortableness around him however did not go unnoticed by him. His heart skipped a small beat when he heard her say that. He shook his head and snapped out of his daze.

"You're asking if you can stay in my tent with me?" Maeve sighs and glances sideways.

"Yeah." Was her whispered reply. "Please." She added on the end to sound more pitiful. She really didn't want to have to sleep with anyone else. Gimli snored too loud, the four Hobbits slept together and there wasn't any space left. Aragorn and Boromir were sharing a tent as well. This was the only logical option in her opinion.

"You can stay." He whispered back. Legolas had planned on getting her her own tent, but the pleading look on her face won him over. Just because he said he was going to ignore his feelings didn't mean it would be easy. Sure just cutting her off would be the best idea, but he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing to her.

   Maeve smiled brightly at him and snuggled underneath the blankets. The only blankets in the tent.

  Legolas listened as Maeve's breathing evened out and she fell into a comfortable sleep. He himself was facing towards the tent wall trying to ignore the heat coming off of Maeve's body so close to his own.

   Legolas's eyes closed of their own volition. Sleep came easy to Legolas that night. The sound of Maeve's soft breathing lulled him into a deep sleep. Legolas will come to realize that that was some of the best sleep he's ever gotten.

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