Mines Of Moria

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     The snow beat down heavily on the group of ten as they marched through the pass of Caradhras. Maeve felt as if this was a terrible idea. Once again that feeling in the back of her mind. Telling her what they were doing was dangerous and they should not go any further.

   She spoke this to the wizard before they had fully made it to the pass. Though understandably he didn't care to listen to what she had to say. Maeve was sure the wizard did not trust her in any way.

    She watches as Legolas walks by her, simply walking on top of the snow. She herself was doing much the same. Thankfully her elf blood allowed her to be super light on her feet. However she did feel bad for the rest of the group. They all had to march through the snow drifts.

"There's a feint voice coming from over the mountain." Legolas squinted while trying to look further out into the darkness. The voice still somewhat there but not easily translated.

  Legolas looks to his right as he feels a new presence. Gandalf stands beside him, lifting his arms and staff to start chanting something. Legolas backed up slightly and turned towards the group.

   Just as he turns around, the mountain groans and he looks up to see snow falling at a fast pace. He looks down locking eyes with Maeve as the snow finally hits all of them.

   Legolas is the first out of the snow that fell on them. He finds Aragorn next to him and helps pull him out. They each get to work helping everyone else out of the snow. He searches around and sees eight people.

"Aragorn!" He looks towards Legolas with a questioning look. "Where's Maeve?! And Boromir?!" Aragorn looks around all of them. Not once seeing anything of the two missing.

   Legolas has to strain his ears to here the grunting coming from near the cliff. He rushes over to see Boromir hanging off the edge with Maeve holding on to him and the edge as well.

"Grab her!" Boromir yells up to Legolas. He doesn't need to be told twice and reaches down and grasps Maeve's forearm. Easily lifting her to safety and then going back down for Boromir.

  Everyone lets out a breathe simultaneously at the relief of them being safe.

"I'm telling you, we must take to the Mines Of Moria!" Came Gimlis rough voice.

   Maeve watches as a grimace takes over Gandalfs face. She agrees with him honestly. She really doesn't want to get caught up in all of those goblins. Though she admits hanging over the edge of a cliff is also not great.

"We shall let the ring bearer decide." Also not a cool play on Gandalf's part. Poor Frodo, he shouldn't have to be making these decisions.

"We shall go through the mines." He declares confidently.

   The group travels back down the mountain pass quickly. All of them wanting to get out of the snow as soon as possible.

   The path down to the mines was much easier and quicker in Maeve's opinion. It would have saved so much time in the beginning if they would have just started out this way.

    Maeve sighs as they finally reach the entrance. She immediately sits down on the closest rock and rest her head in her hands. She remembers just how long it takes the old bastard to actually guess the password.

   Legolas watches as Maeve sits down tiredly. To be honest he hasn't seen her sleep all that much since they started their journey. He pulls a piece of Lembas bread from his bag and approaches her slowly. She lifts her head as she senses his presence.

"What's up?" He simply holds out the bread to her and she gently takes a bit off. "Thanks."

"You're very welcome Maeve." He sits beside her and listens to Gandalf as he gets frustrated over not being able to open the door.

   Maeve chuckles and starts eating the bread. If she remembers correctly this was Lembas bread.

"What makes you laugh?" Legolas asks quietly.

"The old bastard doesn't know everything apparently." She once again laughs and then finishes off the small piece she broke off.

  Legolas chuckles along with her and shakes his head. This elleth is much different to any of the ones he's met before. She actually knows how to have fun.

   Hours later Gandalf shouts in glee as he finally figures out the password to the Mines. Everyone regroups and makes way towards the door. Maeve drops back to the back of their group and follows the Hobbits in.

   Before they make it all the way through a simple tug to Maeve's and Frodos legs cause them to be lifted and drug through the air. They sail backwards and find themselves upside down over the water, staring straight into the eyes of a giant octopus.

   Maeve shouts as she hangs upside down. She had completely forgotten about this part. Stupid Legolas and his gorgeous face.

  She pulls her sword out and chops at the tentacle holding her up. She drops into the water and quickly resurfaces.

    Swinging her sword down on each tentacle that came her way. She sees in her peripheral, arrows flying through the air. As well as Aragorn and the other Hobbits rushing towards the octopus. She continues to slash at the tentacles while the others save Frodo.

   She slowly makes her way back up to the bank as she sees the others with Frodo. One last arrow in the eye is all it takes for the giant thing to go back into the waters it came from.

   Maeve rushes back to the bank with a nod of thanks to Legolas and the others.

   A cracking sound alerts them all to the cave door which was now close to caving in. The few still out of the Mines run quickly to the door and make it just in time for the door to completely fall apart.

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