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    Their group of nine set out from Lothlórien early in the morning. The Lady Galadriel kindly gifted them three boats to carry them down the river.

   Boromir rowed one boat with Frodo and Samwise riding along with.

  Aragorn had control of the other with Merry and Pippin sat down behind him.

  While on the third boat Legolas rowed in front of Gimli and Maeve.

   This is how they traveled for the next few hours. Thankfully traveling by boat straight through allows for them to quicken their journey.

   Finally spotting the area in which they are meant to dock, Aragorn leads everyone that way. After docking everyone is tasked with gathering certain supplies.

   Maeve makes her way after Frodo and Boromir into the woods. Walking further behind them to keep out of sight. Maeve watches from a distance as Boromir attempts to attack Frodo. As Frodo disappears Maeve rushes towards Boromir.

"Boromir stop! Can't you see what the ring is doing to you?" Maeve grasps his shoulders and shakes him while keeping eye contact. "What about your brother Boromir? What would Faramir think of you if he saw you in such a state?" Boromir's misty eyes clear up and he bends down to catch his breath.

   Maeve looks at him in shock. There's no way she actually just did that? Was there ever a way known that you could break the rings power over someone? Though Maeve supposed he did it himself. Boromir must really care for his brother. For which Maeve was thankful because she absolutely loved Faramir. He was such a cutie who deserved better.

  As Boromir catches his breath fully he sees from the corner of his eye two Hobbits running their way. He stands to his full height and directs Maeve's attention towards the Hobbits.

"That's Merry and Pippin." Came her worried voice. Oh shit! Orcs! She forget! "We've got to go Boromir. We need to run with them." She grabs his forearm and pulls him backwards. Wordlessly they fall in step with Merry and Pippin as they run. "We need to find a place to hide!"

   Maeve looks back to see the horde of orcs simply chasing a direction. They were too far ahead for the orcs to be able to see them yet. She frantically starts looking around for anything that could hide them for a while.

   Taking notice of a large bush that could no doubt hide them all she silently gestures to the others as they run. Maeve jumps into the bush followed by the two Hobbits. Boromir hustles them in and goes to jump in himself when a stray arrow hits him directly in the back.

   Boromir cried out in pain as the arrow stuck itself in his right shoulder. He fell forwards and he got drug into the bush. He grunted as more pain seemed to take over.

   Maeve looks at Boromir as he grunts in pain. He's gonna have to stay quiet if he doesn't want them all dying. She gently but tightly placed her hand over his mouth. Making eye contact she simply puts a finger up to her mouth in a hushing manner.

   Boromir breathes heavily through his nose and nods his head. Keeping his jaw tight as she removed her hand.

  The Hobbits watch as this goes down. There's no way Boromir won't lose too much blood having to wait. Merry and Pippin lock eyes and nod their heads. They would do this for their friends. They had to.

   It was too late for Maeve to do anything as she watched wide eyed and opened mouthed as Merry and Pippin both went running from the bush yelling. They screamed for the orcs to chase them and then took off running in a direction away from the other two.

   Maeve could hardly understand. Why on earth did they go doing that? She glances down at Boromir and suddenly spots what the other two had seen. On the arrow you can see a feint smear of something dark in color. It seems the orcs had poisoned their arrows beforehand.

   Maeve sighs as she remembers that Saruman ordered any Hobbits be brought back alive. Merry and Pippin would be safe for now. She looks back down at the man in her lap. Thankfully she has elven strength, or else mans would be screwed.

   It took over an hour to hike herself and a passed out Boromir back to their docking area. She knew by now that Frodo and Sam had gone off on their own. Thankfully she had caught Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli just before they headed back into the forest.

"Little help here boys." She called out to their left. She not so gently let Boromir slid to the ground from her back. The three boys rush towards her and glance at him.

"What happened?" Aragorn questioned immediately.

"We were being chased by orcs. He got shot with a poisoned arrow just before we got to cover. Merry and Pippin have been taken by them as well." Maeve sighs out a breath.

   Legolas slowly approaches Maeve and gently places his right hand on her cheek.

"Are you ok mae?" She lifts her head and leans it into his open palm.

"Yes, thank you for asking Legolas. And you?"

"I am doing good."

"Good." Maeve nods her head and pulls away from his grasp. "You need to go save Merry and Pippin."

  Aragorn nods his head in agreement and goes to start his way towards Isengard. However he takes notice of the fact that Maeve was not following.

"Maeve you said so yourself, we need to save Merry and Pippin."

"Aragorn think about it. We cannot easily nor quickly travel with Boromir as he is. I will stay back and nurse his wound and then we will meet you at the city of Gondor." Aragorn goes to argue but Maeve simply holds up her hand. "You cannot argue against my logic Aragorn. Do not worry we will be safe."

  Aragorn wisely nods his head in understanding and motions for Gimli to come with him. Clapping Legolas on the shoulder as he passes him. Whispering to Legolas where it is he can find the two of them when he's done.

  Legolas waits patiently for Aragorn and Gimli to leave out of his sight before he turns to Maeve. 

"I will stay..." Maeve however cuts him off before he can finish what he planned to say.

"No Legolas, Aragorn needs you way more then I will right now. You must stay by his side." Legolas frowns at Maeve. Why would she not let him stay with her? He simply wished to see her safe and protected. Which, beside him was the best place for that in his opinion.

   Maeve steps forward and pulls Legolas into a tight hug. She secured her arms around his waist and buried her head in his neck. She felt his arms hesitantly reach up around her neck and slowly one hand went to her waist and the other grabbed the back of her head. Legolas hugged Maeve like it was the first hug he'd received in years.

   Though in the back of Legolas's mind he reminded himself that it had been many years. His Ada rarely ever hugged him, and plus he hadn't been home for over some years now.

   The two part from the hug slowly, burning the memory in their own minds. Legolas sighs and bends down, softly leaving a kiss on mae's forehead. He sighs and let's go of her face.

   They offer each other a smile and Maeve watches as Legolas disappears into the woods.

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