What's happened?

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    Maeve leaned in close to the mirror, lightly brushing on some mascara over her grey eyes. Her golden blonde hair reaching to her mid-back in curly spirals. She stepped back and took in her outfit.

    She wore black cargo pants with a black sorts bra, with a fake chest plate for "protection." Around Maeve's waist to the right she had a fake sword and she wore her favorite combat boots as well. To finish off the look she grabbed a big hooded cloak and wrapped it around her neck, adjusting it how she saw fit.

"I look good." She smiled at her reflection and softly touched the fake elf ears she put on.

  This is what Maeve's Saturday nights usually consist of. Going off and cosplaying with her friends. Sure they were all in their twenties but that didn't mean they couldn't have fun.

   Maeve ran down the back steps of her house towards the woods. It was easier for her to just cut right through them instead of driving around.

  She followed her regular path and continued on for a while. Maeve always enjoyed the woods, the tall trees and the pretty wildlife. She loved looking around at the different plants and vegetation.

  Maeve trekked on for a good ten minutes before she felt a pain in the back of her head.
She whipped around in every direction hoping to find the source of her pain. Though she doesn't find anything.

  More pain suddenly floods her head and she crouches down with a groan. Her hands flying up to her head. What the hells going on? Maeve had never experienced this sort of pain in her head before. It was excruciating.

  Maeve let's out a small shout, the pain was starting to make her dizzy. She didn't know what to do; as the pain got worse she started to feel light headed. It wouldn't be good to pass out here. Her friends didn't know these woods as well as she did. She's not sure if they would be able to find her if she fainted.

   As the pain became too much Maeve was entirely prepared for herself to pass out. Instead however a really big dizzy spell brought Maeves head to the ground. As it passed the pain seemed to have magically gone away.

  Maeve lifted her head and gasped. Something wasn't right here. This is not the same place she was before. These were not her woods.

  She glanced around at the dark woods. These woods were eery and she didn't feel safe here. Feeling a different texture then grass beneath her hands, she looks to them. It seems she was on some sort of road.

   Maeve looked up and saw four figures rush out of some bushes onto the road. Her eyes grew wide when she recognized the four. They were Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin from The Lord Of The Rings movies. Maeve decides that she must have passed out. There's no way any of it could be real.

   She lifts herself up off the road and walks towards the group.

   Pippin and Merry were quietly talking with each other about the food that they had left after everything else was dropped.

"There's a few carrots and a cabbage left."

"And I've got a few stalks of his corn." Merry smirks while looking over their loot. However his eyes grow wide and he takes a few steps back after looking up.

"What's wrong Merry?" Pippin asked after watching Merry move back startled. He too turns around to see what it is and a gasp leaves his lips.

    Sam and Frodo having heard the gasp turn towards the two. A woman approached them at a slow pace. Her golden hair shimmered and her eyes gleamed with curiosity. What truly had the four open mouthed was the two pointed ears she had on the side of her head.

   The boys had never seen an elf before. They truly do live up to the expectations. Frodo comes to the front of the group and stands his ground.

"Who are you?"

   Maeve watched as the boys grew weary of her after Frodo asks his question.

"I am Maeve, a Ranger." Frodo squints his eyes in thought and suddenly freezes up. That's right, the Nazgûl, she thought.

"We must get off the road. Now." He rushes the other three down under a tree root and then before going down himself he looks to Maeve. He gestures for her to join them and she smiles.

  Maeve jumps down and squeezes herself in between the two brunette Hobbits. It was a bit of a tight squeeze with her in there but they made it work.

   The sound of a screech and horse hooves breaks through the silence. All five of them go silent and shuffle further into the dirt. The sound of heavy breathing from man and horse startled everyone. They all watch as a black armored hand clutches around the tree root.

   Maeve however watches as Frodo almost gives in to the ring. Thankfully like in the movie Sam is there to stop him. No doubt Frodo would have never made it to Mordor without Samwise.

   Merry and Pippin take the time to throw their rucksack off into the bushes. This causes the Nazgûl to shriek once more and ride off in the direction the sound came from.

   Maeve is the first one up and out of the hidey hole. Brushing off her clothes from the dirt she got on them. As she touches the chest plate on her she notices that it most definitely was different. She taps her knuckles against it and much to her shock it feels very real.

  She grasps her once fake sword and unsheathes it. Much to her chagrin the sword came out looking like top tier steel. She swung it a few times and realized that she was not the worst at it. Interesting.

"Will you be joining us miss Maeve?" She turns around at the question from Samwise.

"Would that be alright with you?" Hopefully they say yes because otherwise she had no clue what to do or where to go. Sure she could make her way to Rivendell but she had no clue how to find it. So this was her best option.

   Maeve makes eye contact with Frodo, making it known the question had been for him.

"You are a good fighter yes?" Maeve keeps the cringe off her face. She really didn't know. Instead however she simply nodded her head and re-sheathed her sword.

"If you allow me to accompany you then I will do my best at protecting you along the way."

"Alright, we head for the prancing pony."

"We need a quick way across mr. Frodo, else them riders will catch up." Samwise offers gently.

"The Buckleberry Ferry isn't too far from here is it Pip?"

"Just a ways away in fact Merry." They smirk at each other and turn to the group fully.

"We know a way across the river." Pippin piped up.

"Follow us." The two Hobbits take off with the other three right behind. They cover distance quick, making it to the Ferry by nightfall.

  However the Nazgûl were starting to catch up.

A shocking adventure (LOTR Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें