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    Maeve urged her given horse faster. As they rode along Maeve was cutting done each and every orc in her path. The battle of Minas Tirith was just in their reach.

    She had watched as an army of the dead swarmed through the valley and killed many. It didn't take long for them to finish off every last enemy. Making Minas Tirith safe again.

   Maeve sighed while returning on her horse. She dismounts and staggers to the left. An arrow head or two sticking out of her. One was lodged in her upper right bicep. The second was on her left upper thigh.

   Unfortunately for her they were poised tipped. Good news though is that the poison was really slow acting.

  She limped her way to the nearest bucket of water and took a sip. There wasn't much to drink on the battle field.

"Mae!" She turned her head to see Legolas rushing towards her. He comes to a full stop and Maeve turns to face him.

   Legolas gasped as he saw the state Maeve was in. She had been hit by two arrows, she was covered head to toe in dirt and blood. He found it strange that for an elf she was extremely messy.

"Yeah I'm a mess. I know." Maeve glances sideways and chuckles, taking another drink. She feels a hand grab her unoccupied one.

"Let's get you patched up." Legolas leads Maeve over to the closest medical tent. He takes her to a cot and sits her down. "Stay here."

   Legolas walks off to who knows where while Maeve stays seated. She was too tired to be defiant right now. Getting comfortable Maeve lays down fully on the cot. Adjusting herself to be in a comfortable position.

    By the time Maeve was finished getting comfortable and almost asleep, Legolas had returned.

   He chuckles on seeing the state of Maeve as he returns.

"How do you want to do this?" Maeve sighs and opens one eye. Shrugging she sits back up and takes of her chest plate. Tossing it to the side and then unbuttoning her pants. "Ah...n...no!" Legolas's hands shoot out and grab the two working on her pants button.

  Maeve looks up at him startled.

"You want to patch me up right?" At his nod she continues. "Then my pants are going to have to come off." Legolas swallows and takes a look around.

"What is someone walks in?"

  Maeve rolls her eyes and brushes off his hands. She silently unbuttons her pants and shuffles them down her legs.

  Legolas awkwardly looked to his left the whole time. Trying not to look somewhere he shouldn't.

   He couldn't believe how shameless she was acting! How could she so easily undress in front of another? Had she done it before in front of anyone else?!

   Maeve sighed and leaned back as Legolas got to work patching her up. She was surprised when he finally closed his mouth, she though he'd gawk forever. It's not like he's never seen a women half naked before. Unless...?

   Her cheeks light up slightly as she gazes down at Legolas knelt between her legs after he had finished her shoulder. Maeve herself could see a blush spreading across Legolas's own face. He seemed to be fully aware of where he was at the moment.

  Maeve felt her thigh tense as his thumb brushed closely to her underwear. Legolas's  hand immediately stopped and he got back to his original task, as if he hadn't meant to do it in the first place.

   Shit! I didn't mean to do that! Was the first thought on Legolas's mind as he moved his hand back. He was so distracted by her tan legs, tan for an elf anyway. That's one thing Legolas had truly first noticed of Maeve. Her strange tan that you wouldn't find on many elves, anywhere really.

  Quickly Legolas wrapped her last wound and stood up. Maeve finished dressing and went to pick up her chest plate.

  She paused however when Legolas's hand grasped hers over her chest plate.

"What are you doing?" Maeve gave him a 'are you seriously asking me that' look and continued on.

   Legolas sighed as she went to pull her chest plate on. Although his eyes widen as he watches slow motion as Maeve suddenly topples over. He moved quickly and catches her, gently picking her up in his arms.

"That's not suppose to happen." Came Maeve's now soft voice. She wheezed and grabbed Legolas's shirt in her fist. "Shit." She tilted her head back and groaned.

"What? What is it Mae?" Legolas questioned worriedly. He watched as her eyes fluttered softly. "Mae? Mae hey! Stay awake!" Her eyes open showing her glassy eyes.

"Poison." Was her weak reply before her head dropped against his chest as she passed out.

A shocking adventure (LOTR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now