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    Maeve sighs as she follows behind Boromir. Sure she wants to keep him safe and all, but it's mostly because she has no clue how to get to Gondor.

   It had been a full day until they took their first rest. Maeve had seen the exhausted look cross Boromir's face so she called for them to break for the night.

"We'll break here for the night."

"Why? We should continue on. The faster we reach Gondor the better." Maeve sighs and walks up to him.

"Boromir I called this break because you clearly need to rest more. It is not good to push yourself after being injured."

   Boromir dropped his head. He knew that of course, but his brother was no doubt in need of him. He finds Maeve's eyes quickly and sighs. He finds a suitable tree and sits against it.

   Maeve rolls her eyes at his stubbornness and approaches him. She crouches in front of him and places her hand on the side of his head.

"Sleep Boromir. You need to rest to gain your full strength back." His eyes involuntarily flutter close and he falls into a peaceful sleep.

   Maeve keeps watch the entire night. Making sure they both stayed safe. She had covered Boromir in her cloak because the temperature had dropped quite a bit. Thankfully her elven nature allows for her to be warm in cold weather.

    Sunrise came slowly for Maeve, however for Boromir is came way to quickly.

   Boromir groaned and moved slightly. Noticing that he was warm and slightly uncomfy he opens his eyes. Through the night he must have fallen to the ground because there he lay on his back with a hooded cloak over his body.

   He sits up and grabs the cloak.

"Ready to go?" Boromir jumps at the sudden talking from Maeve. He hadn't even seen her yet. He takes notice of her hand grabbing the cloak and the other offering to help him up.

   He grabs her hand and stand with her help.


   They silently disembark back into their path towards Gondor. Maeve once again takes up the back.

   As the sun begins to set for the second time on the two, they finally catch sight of something. Atop a hill Maeve and Boromir look out to see Osgiliath. The city was nearly destroyed and there were legions of orcs roaming the city.

   The two ducked quickly keeping themselves hidden.

"Now what?" Maeve questioned. No chance she was leading them, she didn't want to have his death on her hands.

  Boromir glares at the orc ridden city. Their only way to Minas Tirith was through Osgiliath. Or at least that was the fastest way. Boromir no longer wanted to take his time in getting home.

"Elessar!" Legolas's frantic shouts could be heard by everyone. Gimli rushed up the hil side to find Legolas kneeled down with a shining object in his hand.

   As Gimli became closer he finally understood what the object was. Aragorns necklace was bunched up neatly in Legolas's hand. Gimli let out a cry as his legs have out. He fell to his knees beside the elf and cried for his lost friend.

   Legolas takes a deep breath.

"He's not gone Gimli. Hurry we must go." He stands and pulls Gimli up beside him. They have a job that needs to be done, plus they need to meet with Maeve and Boromir. "We shall meet up with the army and prepare for war."

     Boromir sighed in irritation. There was no way to go unnoticed through that many orcs. He roughly sits down and huffs.

  Maeve raised her eyebrow and chuckles.

"This isn't a laughing matter lady Maeve."

"Oh, I just thought of something funny is all."

"And what pray tell..." a war cry was heard over Boromir's question. They both look towards the city to see riders of Gondor taking to the city.

   They were completely outnumbered and were sure to lose.

   Shrieks from the distance catch Maeve's attention. She looks up to see Nazgûl and their Fellbeasts riding towards Osgiliath.

  Boromir too hears the horrid shriek of the black riders, but something else quickly catches his attention.

   His dear younger brother Faramir was leading the charge. His father would dare risk Faramir's life unknowing if Boromir was dead or not? He huffs in anger and stands quickly.

  He looks to Maeve who had wide eyes.

"You do not have to come with me lady Maeve, but I must protect my brother, and my people." Boromir turns without hearing her reply and runs down the hill.

   If Maeve wasn't freaking out right now she might have laughed when he almost ate shit on the way down. However right now was no laughing matter. This was life or death. Sure she's fought some fights here and there, but orcs are big and actually strong. Not to mention the Uruk-Hai were bred to be better and faster in every way.

   She shook her head and jumped up. Now was not the time to be a chicken.

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