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    Maeve gleefully tears off the elven clothes they put her in. Picking up her newly washed ones and carefully putting them on. She tied her boots and swiftly braided her hair back.

  It had been two days since Maeve arrived in Rivendell and she was itching to explore the place. She was in one of the most beautiful places in middle earth and she was not going to pass up the opportunity.

  Quietly opening the door and gently closing it. She looks left and right, with the coast clear she walks down the closest hall. As she walked around she admired the glorious architecture and frame work done by the Elves.

   Maeve walked around the halls for about an hour before she stumbled upon a room full of people. She however hid before they could spot her. Looking around the edge she saw a strange patch of blonde hair among the grass.

   She slowly approaches Samwise and covers his mouth, scaring him in the process.

"Shhh...," she whispers in his ear.

   Sam calms down as he recognizes the voice behind him. He taps the elleths arm and she releases her hold on his mouth. He turns and offers her a small smile getting one in return.

  Maeve looks away from Sam and focuses on what's being talked about.

"Frodo bring forth the ring." Oh! This is the council meeting. Maeve remembers what happens here. This is when the Fellowship Of The Ring was made. Also the name of the first movie.

    She listens on with Sam as they speak of what to do with it. She shakes her head when Boromir starts talking. Poor guy never even stood a chance against the ring. It was too powerful for his weak mind she supposed. The guy deserved better, but Maeve didn't really know how to go about saving him. Plus she felt bad for Faramir.

   Maeve is spooked back into reality when the yelling scene commences. She sighs as she watches all of them yell back and forth. Realizing she missed the first scene of Legolas cause she was distracted.

  Her eyes quickly find his form and she stares at him. Maeve finds herself understanding why the elves are considered beautiful. He's gorgeous. Sure she thought he was hot watching from the other side of the screen, but in person! She could absolutely die happy now.

"I will take the ring to Mordor!" Frodo shouting over everyone else has the room silenced. "Though I do not know the way."

  Maeve watches as the Fellowship begins to form. Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir all volunteer themselves for the task of leading the way.

"Wait!" Maeve remembers too late that Sam jumps out and watches as he runs towards Frodo. "I'm going too."

"You're not leaving without us!" Came two voices from the double doors opposite of Maeve. She watches Merry and Pippin run up to them and stand in front.

"You need people of intelligence on this mission... quest... thing." Maeve chuckles silently and stands up to her full height.

"That rules you out Pip." She says, attracting everyone's attention. Everyone who hadn't already known Maeve stares and takes in her beauty. Each person there was struck silent for a few seconds.

"Ten companions. You shall be known as The Fellowship Of The Ring." Lord Elronds voice breaks the dazed out of their stupor. The groups all chatted with each other while Maeve stayed silent. She was slightly nervous to meet some of her favorite characters.

   Aragorn looks to Maeve and sees her standing silently alone. He pats Gimli and Legolas on the shoulders and walks between them towards Maeve.

"What's wrong Maeve? If you wish not to go, you do not have to." Maeve looks up at Aragorn.

"That is far from the case Aragorn. I am just not very good with others sometimes." Aragorn lifts an eyebrow and grabs her forearm.

  Maeve huffs and let's the man drag her with him. He stops in front of Legolas and who she assumed was Gimli since she couldn't really see him.

"Legolas, Gimli, this is Maeve." Aragorn steps to the side and they both lay eyes on her.

   Gimli's mouth hangs open and he struggles to breathe. How could a women be so pretty? Her beauty outmatched every women he had ever seen before now. He was able to come back to himself when he heard the Elf beside him chuckle humorously. He felt his cheeks go red and he huffed quickly walking off.

   Legolas could not describe the feeling he got when locking eyes with the young elleth. She had to be years younger than him but something told him not to underestimate her. Her grey eyes shone with intellect and confidence. Her curly golden hair blew softly in the wind and shimmered in the sun. She smiled softly at him and his heart felt like it would burst.

   However Legolas knew he could not show this weakness. Surely the girl already had a suitor? Plus he's a Prince, one day bound to marry some royal elleth. He glanced right and felt his throat constrict in annoyance. The Dwarf was staring at the elleth with heart eyes.

  Legolas laughed lowly in a playful manner and the Dwarf huffed and walked off. Though he can't blame him, he would have had the same reaction if he wasn't so used to keeping a straight face at all times. He looked up and locked eyes once again with the elleth.

"It is a pleasure to meet you lady Maeve." He bowed slightly in respect. She reciprocated his action and replied.

"It is my pleasure no doubt, Prince Legolas." He tilted his head and stared at her. How had the elleth known he was a Prince? Had she heard it from the others somehow? As far as he knew no one in the company used such a title with him.

  Before he could continue questioning the elleth they were called to the gates. Their Fellowship was to leave as soon as possible.

  They all had packed the necessary supplies for the journey and set off by foot.

  The trek to the pass of Caradhras was a peaceful one. The Fellowship decided to take a break before going any further. They all stopped and set their things down on the top of a rock formation.

  Maeve watched as Boromir taught Merry and Pippin how to properly wield a sword. They all three laughed with each other and continued to spar. This is one of the scenes she enjoyed most of Boromir. He just seemed so real and carefree, not under the influence of the ring.

"There is something coming." Came the voice of Legolas as Merry and Pippin got Boromir back for hurting Pippin accidentally.

"Looks just like a cloud to me." Was Gimlis response to Legolas.

"Crebain from Denland! Hide!" Legolas yells out behind him, leaping down under a jagged rock sticking out.

  Maeve herself ducks down into a bush and curls up. Waiting until she sees a pale hand in front of her. She looks up to find Legolas's hand near inches from her face. Tilting her head she grabs his offered hand and removes herself with his help from the bush.

"Thank you Prince Legolas."

     Legolas sighs as he hears his title. He would much rather her not address him as such.

"Please Maeve, call me Legolas. And it was no problem." He watched her eyebrow raise and he huffs slightly. "I'm being serious Maeve, call me Legolas." She purses her lips and rolls her eyes.

"As you wish Legolas."

   Maeve glares at Legolas as she watches him smile in victory. She could hardly believe that her fictional crush was actually standing in front of her.

A shocking adventure (LOTR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now