Arc 8 Chap 3 : Revolution ?

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Kiyo POV

Today is Tuesday, The second day of the week, Which is akin to the second day of the Colossal exam.

It was only Yesterday when the explanation of the exam concluded and all students started with the lessons in this Room. The situation today is looking better than Yesterday since the students are already adapting. However, It is still comparable

The Room was enveloped in a tense atmosphere. All students, Except for a handful few were clearly uncomfortable with the seating arrangements, Making it hard for them to focus during lessons

This learning environment the school created is a very challenging one, I'm pretty sure that many of the students's blood is boiling, But they managed to keep a cool head at the very least. However, This doesn't mean that there was no outbursts, No, Far from it

All three top Classes kept a level head during this period, Except for Class D, Some short-tempered students couldn't take it anymore and went on a rampage midway through the sessions. Yousuke managed to contain most of them, But that doesn't mean that their points didn't decrease

Our Class points for this exam are protected, Talking or using phone here wouldn't damage them. However, It would damage the exam points, If damaged bad enough it would result in a decrease in Class points. However, Class D couldn't care less

As i stated before, Almost everyone in that Class already gave up on winning and they are trying to survive. Either hoping for a miracle to happen and transfer classes or hoping to graduate in peace. However, Little do they know that, Both of those wishes are just a pipe dream

During this past days, I kept an eye on every student in front of me and analyzed them, Assessing their weaknesses and strength. I didn't bother with the students behind me since most of the important figures are in the front rows, And turning around would cost us some points.

As expected from both of my Class and Class B, They kept a level head during this whole time and focused on the lessons instead of allowing their displeasure to cloud their concentration. Both of our Classes seem pretty equal so far

Considering that Class C is next to defective, I was actually impressed by their performance. Most of their students's durability was even comparable to someone from my or Sakayanagi's Class. However, I couldn't help but notice some holes here and there, Especially from students like Ibuki and Ishizaki and some of Manabe's acquaintances.

" Creep " I was snapped out of my thoughts by a small mutter on my right, Horikita was glaring daggers at me. I don't know why but she was glancing at me pretty frequently, And she averts her gaze whenever i catch it. Does she like me or something ?

Ryueen turned his face to look at the both of us, When he saw Horikita's expression a wide smirk formed in his face, Seemingly enjoying this little encounter. Horikita awkwardly looked towards the podium and ignored the both of us

I turned to look at the girl on my other side, She was carrying her phone with her Right hand between her thighs while pretending to focus on the discussion.

I doubt that the School would go as far as to set Cameras below the tables to monitor us, So her strategy isn't bad. However, She should be aware that she is breaking the rules between two of her enemies and they might take advantage of this, Which is actually what happened

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