Arc 4.5 Chap 2 : The first Hurdle

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" Good morning Chairman " 

[ How have you been Ayanokouji-kun. It's been a while ]

" It has been a while indeed. I am doing great thanks to you, I owe you for letting me in your school "

[ Oh no It's nothing Ayanokouji-kun. I'm glad i could've been a help to you ]

" Thanks. Anyway, For what do i owe the Pleasure of your call ? " 

[ About that...... Can you come to my office ? ] Honami's eyes went wide at his Question. I had it on speaker mode for her to listen so she won't get sidelined

" May i ask why ? " There was a long silence. I heard him Sigh before he spoke

[ I'd be Blunt Ayanokouji-kun. Your father is here and he wants you to drop out ]

" EH ? " Honami Blurted out of shock

[ Are you with Someone Ayanokouji-kun ? ] Sensing that Lying would be futile, I decided to respond

" Yes. I am with my Girlfriend Chairman. Your call kinda interrupted us " There was another long silence. He is most likely speaking with that man Right now

[ Ayanokouji-sensei wants her to com- ]

" Tell him that i'm not interested " I said uninterested

[ That's fine Ayanokouji-kun. But he wants to speak with you ]

" I'm not interested "  I insisted

[ I understand that too Ayanokouji-kun. But he promised me that he only wants to speak with you this once and he will leave you alone after this ]

" You should know better than to trust that man's word Chairman. You know it better than anybody els- "

[ Don't worry about that Ayanokouji-kun. I will personally interfere and stop him if it comes to that ] The Chairman's words seemed Genuine, I couldn't completely Drop my guard when it comes to him, But i still trust him to some extent.

I looked towards Honami who gave me a determinant nod

" Alright, We'll come " 

We were walking down the Hallway of the School towards the Chairman's office. He gave us permission to enter with our Casual clothes

" As i said Before, You don't have to come Honami. This is between me and him " I Warned her for like the 8th time. But she still gave me the Same response

" Don't worry about me Kiyotaka~ I resigned myself to meet him~ " She responded.

" Are you sure ? " She Nodded " Alright, If you say so "

We Turned around the Last Corner to the Chairman. However, A Familiar Figure was staying beside the Door nervously checking their Surrounding, When they Spotted us She instantly ran towards me

" Kiyotaka-kun~!!! "

" What is it Chie-sensei ? " It was Chie-sensei who was having quite the Serious expression, It was Very different from how we used to see her

" Kiyotaka-kun ! Please don't go, Don't Drop out ! " She Pleaded like a worried mother

" I am not planning in doing so, I'll just have a talk with him " 

" Are you gonna be okay~? " 

" I would, Thank you for worrying about me Chie-sensei " I Gave her a smile. She sighed in Relief and Faced me

" Your father is inside the Room with the Chairman, Follow me " 

We followed her the big wooden door that had the nameplate 'Chairman's office' on it. Chie-sensei Knocked at it before Opening it

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now