Arc 5 Chap 4 : Kushida's Game

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The Hurdle Race for the Third year girls has Concluded with The Red Team taking the Lead with 10222 Points. However, Things aren't safe, The White Team is quite Close with 10196. Relaxing isn't an option

Now, It was time for our First Team event : Capture the Flag for the boys, Although the School named it that way, It's actually Pole toppling. The Girls were also having their own Event : Ball toss

Team events are the events where the members of both the red and white both cooperate to take down each other. So our supposed teammates are the boys of Class D

All 40 of us Gathered inside the red team tent, With All representatives forward, That is me, Kanzaki and Shibata from our Class, Hirata and Sudo from Class D

" Alright ya bunch. Let's win this thing ! " Sudo Cheered after our strategy meeting Concluded

We've worked out different Plans and Tactics for coordination between our Classes. In this event, Both teams switch from Defense to attack on each turn they lose, Since it's a best of 3 we don't have a lot of Chances to try out stuff, So this meeting is very valuable

I've worked out different tactics with Shibata and Kanzaki to neutralize our opponents, Although Attacking them isn't an option, There is other ways around it.

Thankfully, Class D's main Powerhouse Kouenji kept his word and decided to cooperate. They were all skeptical at first but i reassured them that he would, At my words everyone felt more confident Good

We are against Class C and B who has a lot of Physically Tough people like Albert. However, It's not said that him alone can defeat 20 Students, So that's where his Class Chimes in. And if our Defense is Frail, Then we'd be a lost cause

That's why we decided to take on the Defense for the First round. I believe that Sudo and Kouenji would work out better during the Attack, And Sudo's Confidence is too big to fit in defense.

After our Meeting i decided to test out a theory, So i Approached Hirata

" Hey Hirata " I Called. Hirata did a 180 and looked at me, Seeing me He Turned around with a warm smile

" Hello Ayanokouji-kun. Do you want something ? " Asked Hirata

" Yes, I want to talk with you about something " I took a glance around me, Giving him heads up " But i can't risk being heard "

" I see " Hirata nodded and we moved towards the back of the tent. Making sure no one is eavesdropping Hirata faced me " So what did you want to talk about Ayanokouji-kun ? "

" Hirata. What do you think of the situation of your class so far ? " My Question made Hirata tense up. His Cheery mood cracked a bit

" We aren't in a great position, If things keep up like this we'll end up in last place " Admitted Hirata. He opened up faster than i anticipated, Probably due to his Trust on me " But you don't have to concern yourself about us Ayanokouji-kun "

" That's not the case Hirata " I Shook my head " Why do you think your class is in a bad position ? " 

" I-I don't know " Hirata forcefully threw those words at me before looking slightly down. You know it Hirata

" Hirata. Why do you think all of your best runners went against Classes C and B all the time ? " He needs to face it, He knows exactly what's going on but he is convincing himself that isn't true.

Hirata is genuinely a nice guy. Unlike Kushida, He doesn't harbor any hate towards his Classmates nor hides behind a facade. He cares for everyone as his friends even Strangers, But as they say : If everyone is your Friend then everyone is a stranger. A Friend is someone close to you and dear to you, If everyone has the same place then they are all technically Strangers. That's what Hirata Doesn't understand

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