Chapter 30 || Our Veracity

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Your POV

My feet was bumping up and down. I was obviously nervous, I arrived earlier than our planned schedule but I think it's better to be early than late.

I have no absolute clue on what to start our conversation with, it has only been a month but yet it felt so short. I feel so out of focus for some reason, It feels like being in a math test, but just without the numbers. Who are you and what are you doing to me, Helena?

Soon enough, a women with a strawberry pink dress with a black sling bag walked in the room, taking my attention.

"Sorry! the traffic caught me," The older woman said to me.

She was just her usual self, her messy brown hair never been more missed.

"All good," I softly smiled.

Her expression changes, "What is going on?"

She sat down across from me, placing her bag on the ground.

"I'm sure you've heard the details from my father."

"So you've found out?"

"Not so long ago."

She looked down at her hands, "How did you found out?"

"The files, on his drawer, about y/n, me."


I cut her off mid sentence. "I want you to tell me, every single detail about the incident, what you know, what you did."

She took a deep breath, "You and I were together, it was great until a rumour got out. You ran out of the house, driving alone with rage, and it leads to your incident."

"What rumour?"

The words she said next sounded like regret. "Me and Burton."

My stomach seemed to flip as I heard her say it. "So an affair news?"

"Well not quite," She didn't want to look into my eyes or any make sort of contact with me, she seemed at guilt. "You and I never went public."

"Why didn't we?"

"Why didn't we what?"

"Why didn't we go public?" I inquired.

"Our careers was at their peak, it wasn't a clear choice for either of us. We were naive, and decided to keep it private until we were ready but fate decides different from us."

I pinch the bridge of my nose in confusion, "Wait so- after my death you decide to just date the person who caused our conflict?"

Rage was filling me in the matter of seconds, I feel betrayed and as if there was no worth over me.

"I woke up that morning of the news alone in a hotel room. Before you say anything, let me finish," She finally look up to my eyes and held it there. "I remembered vaguely someone kissing me on the side of the club. The back door swung open, then punches was heard and that's when I heard Tim's voice yelling at that person to move away from me. Not long I was led to a hotel with a man that was holding me to walk straight, he joining me in the bedroom tossing me to the bed, but then he left. Tim fought someone for taking advantage of me while no one was watching. I didn't think the media caught that, they seem to have twisted the situation."

"I dated him after all of the nice things he did to me on my grief of your death. He was there on your funeral, nights where I didn't think I'd survive, Nights in where I want to make myself so drunk that I wouldn't wake up. He took me to theme parks to hopefully cheer me up, take me on dates, gave me flowers. He was a good man back then." She continued.

I wanted to hate her, but there was no reason to. She was as broken as me but better at hiding it. Her emotions shows how truthful she was, she had no intention on hurting me in any way but it happened.

"You married that man, and have 2 kids with him."

She smiled, "Yes I did have 2 children with him, on my own will. But we were never married."

"But the media-" This time she was the one who cut me off.

"Sure, he proposed and I did say yes. But I called off the engangement and took off the ring. We stayed together but I have made a conclusion to rather die without a ring on my finger beyond saying yes to someone I knew wasn't the love of my life."

She reaches my hand over the table, intertwining them with hers.

"I saw how it was without you, it was the worst thing I have ever experienced. I know second chances don't come often and I'm not gonna waste it. If you would just let me," She held my hand tighter. "I would leave everything behind and be braver than I had, fight against the odds of us and I'll do it all without a question. If that's what it takes to have you, I'll leave my whole world for you." Her voice was breaking from tears.

Not long after that, I feel a tear drop from my eye.

I abruptly stood up, taking my hands away from her.

"I'm sorry, Helena. I need time to process all of this."

I took my bag, and went over to the door before stopping on my feet. "Please, don't follow me out. I'll reach out to you soon."

I opened the door leaving the coffee shop in a heartbeat. I walk and walk further into the crowds without giving a single care of my surroundings.

Without realizing, I had accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said.

The lady's paperwork went everywhere on the pavement. I went down to help her quickly, but the moment she look at me, she stopped whatever she was doing.

I have no idea who she was but she just kept staring. She had a perfect blonde hair which I've noticed, very preppy almost like a business woman.

"Here's your paper, I wasn't really paying attention." I fumbled.

"You are?"

Ah crap, what should I address myself with? Y/n or Florence? "Florence, it's nice to meet you."

"Sorry I think I got you messed up with someone else," She giggled. "I'm Giselle."


It has been awhile since I have updated, hope you don't miss the cliffhanger too much. I got caught up on a lot of things throughout making this chapter but here it is. I still hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget to vote and also I love each and every one of you that waited for me to update this <3

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon