Chapter 19 || Two different fury

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Helena's POV

"Sounds like a love triangle to me," penelope said.

I scoffed, "I barely even know who she is."

"You said she looks like y/n obviously you still have feelings- be honest, did you heart flutter when you see her?" 

As much as I hated to admit it; It was true. "I'm heading home," I said.

Penelope just shook her head and continued on what she was doing.

Honestly, i don't know how to react. She looks IDENTICAL, but she's not y/n.

There's so much more questions that's left in my mind. The next thing I knew here I am infront of my house. I made my way inside to be greeted by Billy. "You're home!"

"yes dear, I'm home. Where's your father?" I asked.

"Oh he left half an hour ago probably, he said he got some business to do."

'All the time'

"Well then- where's the nanny? How is Nell?" I said as i hang my coat, and taking off my shoes.

"They're on the living room," He responded.

I nodded and intertwine my hand with billy as we both made our way to the living room. 

There I spot my beautiful angel playing with her toys, accompanied by the nanny.

It seems like she haven't realized I was home so I crouched down infront of her, "Hey beautiful."

Her eyes lid up and opened her arms while running towards me. She was a little too excited to see me, she tripped on the carpet, making her fall face first onto the carpet.

She managed to stand back up in no time, and gave me the biggest hug.

"I mwiss you," She mumbled.

"I miss you too dear," I said as I tucked a fallen hair strand behind her ear, "Have you guys ate dinner?"


I heard the front slammed shut. I glance over the clock on the bedside table.

1:21 A.M,.

Soon enough, the bedroom door opened. I pretended to be asleep, when in reality, I was looking at his every move.

I know I shouldn't assume if he was cheating. He is my husband, I should've supported him, not suspect. But I can't ignore the fact that he was gone every few days, coming back home midnight, and act like nothing happened in the morning.

I'm slowly getting sick of this. I know I should confront him sooner or later, but i'm trying to not fight infront of the kids. They're too young to be experiencing their parents fought.

I knew it wouldn't end up pretty if I happen to confront him, but it's bothering me too much.

I forced myself to sleep it off, and think about the problem in the morning.

Your POV

"So what's the something that you urgently need to talk about?" I mocked annoyed that she would just drag me out of the coffee shop, making a scene and act like none of that was important.

"I need to ask you about what time do you want to do the meeting tomorrow," She stated.

"That's it? You dragged me out of a coffee shop just for you to ask me what time do I want to settle the meeting tomorrow?" I said slightly raising my voice, "Are you serious, Olivia?"

I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now