Chapter 29 || Connecting with you

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Your POV

"Helena had nothing to do with all of this!" I defended. I had wondered if that was true deep down in my heart. Although it sounded impossible, someone like her would never do such things.. would she?

"Ask her then," He challenged me. I wanted to know but honestly, I don't. I don't want to know the truth.

With so many things racing through my mind, my mind became fuzzy. It was becoming more difficult for me to breathe in this cramped space. I saw how my 'father' stood tall in front of me as if trying to convince me that he was confident.

I rushed out of the room, hoping to get some fresh air. The night wind stroked over my body as my feet led me to the backyard. I took a deep breath in, trying to have a somewhat clue what I should do.

I know I need to speak with Helena, but how? I don't have her contact information. I took a seat on a nearby bench, my face buried in my hands. So many emotions were rushing through me that it was difficult for me to concentrate on a single idea.

I spent a good hour outside, soothing my thoughts, feelings, and tears. I never imagined things would turn out this way. Only a few months ago, it was all going according to plan; my business was booming, there were no hassles, and I was having a great time traveling the world. But why does everything have to change.

I heard familiar footsteps approaching me, and I sensed that someone sat down next to me but didn't dare to speak to me.

It was so quiet to the point I could hear crickets.

"I'm sorry," He started.

I stayed silent as I am emotionally drained to even reply.

"I swear, I'll make amends," He shifted in his seat. "I'll give you complete access to the internet, as well as everything else I've previously prevented you from doing, and I'll even set up a meeting between you and Helena. I'll either send her here, all expenses payed. If she's not available to go to Paris, I'll send you there, I'll send you there under the same terms. I know it's not an apology, but I'll get there eventually if you'll just give me a chance."

I thought about it, and the only visible path I could do right now was take this opportunity.

I stood up straight in my seat, and finally taking time process it. "I'll take it."


It happened all of a sudden, here I am sitting inside the plane, waiting for it to take off. Currently it's 7 P.M.

He booked a flight exactly the next day, no hesitation whatsoever. He seemed genuine, but I'm not gonna let that to me.

I overheard him on the phone with Helena in his office. I just heard his end of the conversation.

It's hard to recollect exactly what it was, but it was something along the lines of meeting Helena in two days, so tomorrow in the local coffee shop. Helena must have agreed since the call ended shortly after.

"Please fasten your seatbelts; we will be departing soon."

I double checked if I had put my seatbelts, and I have. I was just anxious. What am I suppose to say when I meet her? Greet her, tell her I miss her?

The whole ride there, all I could think about is just how am I gonna approach this situation. Everything about the meeting, including what I needed to say and what I should primarily discuss. I even went out of my way to consider what to wear.

An hour had passed quickly, and I had turned down all of the food given by the flight attendants. It's probably because the prospect of eating made me sick.

We landed safely despite the bumpy landing. I was so delighted to be here the last time I witnessed this sight, so naïve to what this location may bring to my life. But now I can't see anything positive about this place. This is where I fell in love, and where my life was turned completely upside down.

I didn't remember much about the rest part of the airport. Next minute, I was walking through the airport, next minute I was grabbing my luggage.

I got a cab to my hotel; the hotel lobby was rather large and appeared to be quite luxurious, but it was no different from the ones I'd been in previously for business. I booked into the hotel and was given a card that allowed me to access my room. I didn't say anything the entire time, as if I was reserving my voice for Helena tomorrow.

Another thing I failed to mention is that my laptop was replaced last night with one that has more "freedom."

When I first arrived, the first thing I did was check the news and dig out any stories that mentioned me. In less than a second, thousands upon thousands of media articles appeared.

Everything was linked, including my "death" announcement, images of Helena weeping out of the hospital, and even photos of my death bed for some reason. Helena was there in almost every article of my life.

One thing I also noticed was that, my father mentioned of me and Helena dating, but so far, I haven't seen any of us making it official to the public. They always refer Helena as a 'Close friend' of mine at every single press report.

I looked at the clock; it was already 10 p.m.

I decided to ignore the clock because I could stay up a little later. I looked up the story of how I met Helena; from what I've seen, she was my co-star in a film, and things only got better from there. Furthermore, my death was publicized barely a year after I met Helena.


It seems almost impossible for someone to be in love and crazily involved with someone in less than a year.


I delved a little farther and opened another page.


I'm confused, I have so many questions. Why Tim Burton?


I checked the date of it, and it seemed like from the news of Helena kissing that director, it was only a day after my death was announced. The words that was used on my death was 'Died yesterday evening'

So wait- does this mean my car accident happened because of this?


Okay this is getting long, I promise I'll make it more clearer in the next chapter. Nonetheless I hope you enjoyed this, and I'll try to update as soon as I can on this. Don't forget to vote and I love youu take care <3

I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now