Chapter 1 || First Glance

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When you got to the interview office. you were quite nervous. Yes, you've worked in one or two movies before but it was years ago. It was getting in your nerve.

You start to play with your fingernails, accidently causing one of the fingers to bleed but you were too nervous to even acknowledge the pain.

"y/n greggory?" A lady shouted for my name.

"ah- Yes. that's me" You replied.

You went inside and it was very awkward. Soon enough the interview started. It went pretty well. They told me, they will contact me if you got the part. (A/N: I'ma skip the details since i don't exactly know how casting works)

First person POV

I nodded and left. I decided to drive to the nearest library and maybe read for a little bit. Once I arrived, I went straight to the poetry section. It was quite empty, not much of a suprise. You grab an interesting poetry book and sat on the sofa. When i'm reading, it's like the whole world dissapear. Call me a bookworm, but it's true. I feel like it was only me and the book. 

Maybe after around 30 mins reading, I noticed a lady checking some books. I didn't quite pay attention to her, I just keep on reading. 

The lady walked up to me. "May I sit here?" pointing to the empty spot beside me. I nodded but I didn't look away from my book. 

Her voice has a hint of a british accent yet polish. I feel like I knew the voice from somewhere but I didn't care. I was in my own little world. 

I can feel the lady staring at the poetry book i'm reading but i didn't want to be rude so I ignored. 

After a good hour, the lady got up and left. Bringing the book she was reading with her. I look up to see a side view of her face. It was only a second before she turned around the corner. She looked familiar but i can't figure out who it was. 

I brushed the thought aside and continue reading. After a few hours, I took a look at my phone and it was around 5:30PM. I quickly stood up knowing i'm gonna be late to meet my manager in the cafe. I grab the book with me, bought the book and left. I drove as fast as I could. I reach at the cafe around 6:10PM. I got in, and saw my manager Emma, already sitting in a chair. She was playing in her phone. I quickly sat infront of her. "Oh my- SORRYY I'M LATE" I said sheepishly. 

She look at me dead in the eyes. "I knew you're gonna be late," rolling her eyes.

"Sorrryyyyy~ I lost time when I was reading," I looked at the floor embarrassed. 

"Apology accepted. Anyway- now that you're here, I need to talk about your schedule for the next week so you're aware on what you're gonna be doing next week." She took out a book, and opened the pages. She put the book infront of me and start telling me about my schedule, the meetings and everything.

It was tiring.

After she's done explaining, we talked for a lil to catch up with out daily lives. She's like a sister I never had. I don't know what I would do without her. I didn't mention about any of the stuff that happened when I was in the library to Emma. We talked for a good 2 hours and decided to go home. 

When I reached the car, I decided to call my dad. 

"Hey dadd!! Where are you right now?" I asked as I sit on the driver's seat.

"Hey sweetheart. I'm at work, why?" He sounded tired.

"Oh- just asking. What are you doing?" I said as I put the stuff and my bag on the passenger seat beside me.

"Just finishing up some paper works." He sigh.

"Can I come to your office and accompany you?" I asked

"Of course. Just let tony know when you got there, he should be in the lobby's reception" He told me.

"Okay, love you. I'll see you soon." I smiled

"Okay sweetheart, love you too." He hung up.

I drove to his office and went to the reception, Tony is my dad's secretary. I grew pretty close to him. He was a sweet man, Once he even brought me flowers. It was a cute gesture of him. He has been working with dad for as long as I can remember. He was only a few years older than me.

"Hey tonyy~ how are you? you look good today!" I told him as he looked up at me.

He saw me and looked back down. "Oh- really? Thanks," he smiled.

We talked for a bit, and he guide me to my dad's office. I greeted him and sat on the sofa that's located across my dad's desk, taking out the book I bought in the library. I read for a good hour. When I was reading, suddenly that woman came across my mind. I sat there zoning out a little. I tried to think about everyone i knew that likes reading poetry.

I couldn't come up with anyone. I was a little dissapointed in myself. I knew that one day, the person's name will pop up in my head eventually.

I layed down in the sofa and burried my face in the book. I tried to change the thought but it was difficult.  

"Alright- I'm done. Let's go home." My dad told me as he stood up from his desk.

"aa- yes." I replied, trying to sit up from the sofa. 

We left the work place, and my dad told his driver that he's gonna come home with me. I was so happy because finally I get to have some time to catch up with him. The whole ride was fun. We talked about many things. As we arrived in the driveway, "Hey dad, do you want to have a movie night with me? I wanna watch the new movie that just came out." I asked him. "Of course." He smiled at me. 

I changed my clothing to my pajamas, and sat on the couch. My dad was already waiting for me there. I sat close to him, cuddling. (IN A FAMILY CUDDLE OK.)

Finally, I get to be spending some quality time with my dad. The movie was hilarious. I felt home and safe, I haven't felt like that in MONTHS.

After the movie was finished.. I got up and left to go to bed. My dad kissed my head and said goodnight as he went to his bedroom. 

 I brushed my teeth, and went straight to bed. As i layed on the bed,'Today was a weird day, I still haven't got a single clue of who it might be. Yet, her face was so familiar.' I thought to myself. I decided to sleep it off and fall asleep.

A/N Here, I released the first chapter. I tried making it a lot longer than yesterday. I hope you enjoy it!!

I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant