Chapter 13 || Recovery

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The world catch up to the death quickly and filled the news. Helena on the other hand, Is completely devastated. Her mom helped her of course.

Helena took a break first to grief. It's been almost 2 weeks of her staying in the house and crying almost daily. 

Helena's POV

The premiere of the movie was coming soon, I knew I had to be there. A few days before the premiere, I was told not to cry so my eyes could rest and not look puffy. It was hard but I pulled through.


It was the day of the met, I saw everyone cheering for me when I stepped out of the car. I was called from left to right. I don't even know where to look. It was very crowded, I saw a few of the other casts on an interview. 

My name was called, I looked over and see someone waiting for me for an interview. As much as I don't want to go and answer questions, I knew I had to.

"Hello Ms Bonham Carter, It's a pleassure to meet you!" Said the man.

I smiled and bowed a little. "Let's start the interview shall we?"

I nodded, "So- what's this movie about?" He asked

I gave him a simple answer. The next few questions was fine because it's mostly about the movie. Until he asked, "We heard y/n passed away a few weeks after filming, How do you feel about that?"

I froze at the question, she was a sensitive topic to talk about. As much as I don't want to answer, I knew I should because in the public eyes, y/n was only my close friend. I shouldn't act like I cared too much but yet it's hard to filter my feelings even though I'm an actress myself.

"Well.. It was sudden, I didn't expect it to happen. I hope she's safe and happy now" I smiled weakly.

We ended the interview, and I just went straight inside not spending another minute getting interviewed. I knew it was a bad idea.

I left when I saw y/n on the big screen. It was too much for me to handle. She looked so happy there.


That night, I decided to confront tim since I do need to film another movie soon and maybe use the chance to ask about what happened that night on the club. So, I set a meeting with him for tomorrow.

The next day, I dressed comfortably, and drove to the office. Since I already set a meeting with him, I went straight to his office. I went inside and stood right infront of his office door.

I took a deep breath and knocked. He opened, "Hey Helena, Come in."

We sat on the couch of his office. "First, I'd like to say i'm sorry for your lost. I know you're close with y/n" He started.

'Right.. I haven't even told the world we were even together. We never made it official to the public. way to go helena.' I thought to myself. 

I gave him a weak smile, "Can I ask what happened on the club before?" I asked looking at my fingers, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You were drunk. So, I decided to just brought you to the nearest hotel. I payed for everything, I put the aspirin and the glass of water beside you, I made sure you're comfortable and left. No, We did not do anything if that's what you're wondering. I know you're drunk and I don't want to take advantage of the situation," He explained.

"What about the purple hickey that I saw in the morning? If it's not you, then who did?" I asked him.

He looked at me, "It was some random dude, I saw you were leaving through the back door, I followed you to make sure you're safe and I saw someone kissing your lips, then moved to your neck forcefully. You were too drunk and tried to push him away. Out of instinct I punched the guy causing him to pass out. I managed to drag you to the hotel." 

I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum