Chapter 11 || The Secret Plan

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Y/n father's POV

I was in the middle of a meeting around 1 PM, "As I was saying-" I was cut off by my secretary tony burst into the room. Saying it's something important. I excused myself out, "Your phone rang, and It was from an unknown number. I picked it up and it was from the hospital" Tony spoke to me.

I was shoken up with that last sentence. "It was y/n. She got into a car accident. She's currently in the hospital" tony continued.

My heart dropped and I told Tony to move the meeting because i'm going to the hospital. 


I reached to the hospital and went straight to the operating room. I saw Helena sitting in one of the seats right infront of the operating room with her head burried in her hands. I said hello and when she looked up at me, I can see she has been crying. I asked her if there's any update but she shook her head 'no'. I sat beside her and waited while comforting her. She calmed down but still having a hard time stabilizing her breathing. 

After about an hour, I saw a doctor went out of the operating room taking off their mask and approaching us. Me and helena both stood up quickly.

 "How did It go doctor?" I asked, "Is she okay?" Helena added.

"The surgery went smoothly. We will ran some tests on her in a minute. For as in right now, She suffered from a few broken ribs, fractured wrists, fractured collarbone, and a broken leg. That's the stuff that we found. We will ran some more tests on her in a minute, She's currently in a coma and barely surviving, I'm sorry" The doctor informed us.

I saw Helena fall back into the seat and cried again, "She's gonna be moved to a room in a minute, She's currently in a critical condition" The doctor added.

"Move her to the best room in the hospital, I'll handle the payment," I said sternly.

The doctor led me to the receptionist to handle the payment. After I took care of that, I saw Helena walking towards me. We were both leaded by the doctor to her room, It was located in the highest part of the building. I can see Helena still trying to stabilized her breathing. I put my arm around her shoulder, keeping her close to me.

We arrived infront of a room, which leads into a hallway. "Right now, she can only have 1 visitor at a time, So who would like to meet her first?"

The both of us looked at each other, I gave me a warm smile and gestured her to go first. She gave me a weak smile and walked through the hallway with the doctor.

I waited outside of the waiting room, thinking what must've happened. I would ask Helena but she seemed to be very sensitive right now, Maybe later.

I didn't knew some tears were even coming out of my eyes. I wiped it away quickly and after about half an hour, Helena went out and gestured for me to go inside. I did, and when I saw y/n body laying there, my heart broke. My whole world was laying there almost lifeless, her body was connected to more than 10 IVs, There's casts, a tube going on her throat and even a cage over her torso. She was still in a coma wearing those oxygen mask.

I took a closer look, and saw y/n's eyes puffy and red. I also saw some bruises here and there that I haven't seen before, and some of them looked pretty new. I let my thoughts took over, 'Has she been hurting herself? Did Helena did that to her..? No.. That can't be possible. She wouldn't do such things, she love her dearly.'

It was getting overwhelming. 


After a few days, y/n has finally gotten out of her critical condition and are allowed to move to a normal room. Her room was a suite it has a living room, tv, kitchen, and more. Just like a mini apartment. 

In those days, I was busy with work, going back and forth to the hospital to check on y/n. Everytime I was there, Helena was there sitting beside y/n. She never seemed to rest at all considering how I can clearly see her dark eyebags.

It was around 10 PM, and I just got back from work. I saw Helena in the couch, She looked tired, stressed and more feelings I can't quite figure out. I placed my bag down on the floor, and sat next to her. 

"Is everything okay, Helena?" I slightly tapped her shoulder.

She jumped not aware of my presence in the room. "Oh yes- Perfectly fine." She answered quickly, sensing she was worried about y/n. I figured maybe I should ask her about what happen to her and y/n before the accident.

She took a shaky breath before slowly explaining to me what happened but skipped her side of the story. I was honestly furious hearing it. 

How dare she hurt my little princess. I would scream and tell her to leave but from the looks of it, she seemed to care a lot. I knew y/n wouldn't like me to do that. I took a sharp deep breath and calmed myself down.

I told Helena to go home to rest, Assuring her that i'll be here waiting for y/n to wake up and that i'll call her if anything happens. She was a bit hesitant but she agreed. So, She nodded and grab some her stuff to leave.

After hearing the stories, I figured y/n wasn't safe with Helena. Ever since she met Helena, she always comes home with a new bruise. I was afraid that helena was abusing her.

I decided maybe I should think of it in the morning. I layed on the couch beside her bed and fall asleep.


I woke up around 4 AM to someone hyperventilating, I looked to my side to see y/n's eyes closed but her chest going up and down rapidly. I stood up quickly, and clicked the emergency button beside her.

I held her hand tightly, and waited. A minute later, nurses and doctors went to the room. One of the nurse took me outside and told me to wait. I was worried. I decided to call Helena, but then I heard a phone ringing on the corner of the room. I checked, It was Helena's phone, charging.

She left her phone here. 

The doctor went out of the room and told me she needed to do an emergency surgery. I nodded and left the doctors to do their thing.

I decided to stay in the waiting room and waited. After about 2 hours, It was already 6 AM. In those times being, I had a lot of things going through my mind. One of it is..

'I wanted y/n to move to a different country but how?'

A moment later, the doctor invited me to talk to him in his office. I was worried something serious could happen to my princess.

We sat down and the doctor sighed before talking to me. "So, I wanted to talk about what happened to your daughter. I will be talking about the tests we did, then we will move to why she was hyperventilating," He spoke.

I hummed letting him know I was listening, "We did some tests a few days ago, and it seemed like your daughter, have severe Amnesia. She wouldn't be able to remember almost everything that happened before her accident, She's still in a coma but that's the only information we have currently," He explained.

An idea popped into my head, I decided I should make a good use of the situation. I told the doctor about the plan, at first he didn't agree to my plan but after some persuasion, The doctor gave in and agreed after I put down a lot amount of money. 

After a bit more talking, I left the room. I took out my phone and called my sister, Rosalie. She lived in france, and I know she will be happy to help me with my plan.

I know deep down this Idea is gonna break Helena, but I'm doing this for y/n's sake.


WELCOME BACK! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. For short if you don't understand, y/n was announced to have severe Amnesia and will forget most of her memories, including her own name. Her father make a good use of the situation, moving y/n to the hospital in france. Making y/n to start her life in france. 

Will she meet Helena again? Will she regain her memory? Will fate bring them together again?

I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant