Chapter 23 || Sherlock Holmes

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Your POV

Olivia had already flown back to Paris because she still have stuff to sort out. Or atleast that's what her excuse was, I was sure that it wasn't because of that. It was because of our fight a few days prior.

"Good morning, Uncle."

"Hello, sweetie. Breakfast is already served. I needed to go early due to my early meetings today."

I nodded, "Alright, Have a good day!"

I walked pass by him, and sat on the dining table that is already served. I ate pretty good, the meal was good. But it's hard eating while being watched by 5 servants at the same time.

My phone rang completely breaking the silence in the room. I turned it over, revealing the name 'Mom'

Oh? Weird.. I glance over at the clock, it was supposed to be midnight right now. She usually sleeps early, it was odd.

I placed the phone against my ear.

"Hello darling," She spoke.

"Hello mom, Why do you call me in midnight again?"

"Oh- I couldn't sleep and I thought about you. I noticed Olivia had gotten back to Europe early, why is that? I thought she wanted to have a week vacation with you there this week?"

I don't know if it's a good idea telling her about the fight. "She had stuff to worry about last minute, that's why. You should go to sleep, it's late now. Love you"

"Oh alright, stay safe sweetheart. Love you too."

Honestly, I planned today to stay in my room all day. Maybe do some work, drink tea, sleep. Just how I like it.

But as soon as I reached my bedroom, I heard my phone buzzed. It was Helena this time.

(Helena) 'Good morning'

(Me) 'Morning Helena'

(Helena) 'How did you sleep?'

(Me) 'A lot better than I thought honestly.'

(Helena) 'That's good. Oh yea, I wanted to text you to ask if you're free today?'

(Me) 'No, I'm expensive everyday Helena. Of course, I have no plans for today.'

Even though I wasn't in a call with her, I can hear her authentic cackle on my mind as I saw the message showed 'Read'.

(Helena) 'Funny. I wanted to ask if you'd like to go tour around London with me today?'

(Me) 'Of course! When?'

(Helena) 'Maybe around 11 A.M Today? Is that alright with you?'

(Me) 'Sure, I'll see you then.'

This is so nerve wracking.. I'm meeting Helena today. I glance over at the clock and I have atleast 2 more hours to prepare. So I took a shower, washed my hair and everything. I prepared a beige silk slip dress with a beige blazer. To top it off, I wore a simple golden necklace, along with a beige bag.

 To top it off, I wore a simple golden necklace, along with a beige bag

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I know you.. But from where? || Helena Bonham Carter x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now