She moved away a little, breaking the kiss as she wiped away her tears.

"Shaun, we should stop" she whispered.

Shaun felt rejected but nodded anyway, he guided her back to the living room and let her sit there.

'Don't move, I'll cook something for you" he stated and went in to create his mojo in the kitchen.

Jess didn't stay put and walked to where Shaun was. "I remember how you used to not allow me in this kitchen" she suddenly stated.

Shaun laughed. "You used to burn all our food; how can I trust you before?" he replied.

"But I got better and learned new dishes and you liked my cooking eventually..." she said sounding weak.

Shaun smiled at her and caressed her face. "Yes, you did, that's just the kind of person you are Jess, you don't give up and you get better at things," he said trying to comfort her.

She exhaled loudly. "I am moving away from the music industry Shaun; I need to heal myself first. I can't go on continuously feeling this way."

Shaun wanted to appease her, to tell her that she doesn't need to go but the damage is too much, what he created as a direct jab for Rick has bounced back and crippled Jess instead.

"I have no words; I am saddened by this news Jess." He finally started sounding defeated.

She shrugs her shoulders and bites her lips. "Well, when it rains it pours," she exclaimed and embraced Shaun once again.

"I'll probably see you someday," she noted with a hint of uncertainty.

He nodded but was unable to utter any more words.

Today I made a new choice, to let it teach me what it must. I am weak now, but I'll be stronger afterward. Though Rick's name is like a silver blade, I must endure it. They say only the strongest of warriors choose their battles, this is mine, let me earn it. Jess thought as a promise of hope seeped in, for now, this is sufficient, the first step is the hardest, but she knows she'll be well in the future.

She prayed quietly.  


Her final goodbye to the recording label was unexpectedly emotional, for a short while she never thought she'd be given a chance to experience all those beautiful things. She has no regrets about pushing herself to take chances and be bold.

Sad faces greeted her as Bennie, Sussie, Marlin, and Alexander were there with her.

"We are so sorry for all this chaos happening in your life" Sussie offered empathy. She smiled at her.

"You don't have to go; you know that right?" Alexander consoled her.

She smiled. "Too much damage has been done and I don't want to drag the label's reputation to the mud. That's not fair for all the people here." She explained.

"Where will you go?" Alexander asked again.

"Not sure yet I'll see where this newfound freedom will take me," she replied.

She paused for a moment and wanted to ask about Rick. She had no more news of him since that day. She was tempted to pry and confirm, but she knows there's no point doing that now.

"You are always welcome here, come back if ever you will change your mind in the future." Bennie finally said and she nodded. She hugs the four people who changed her life warmly and thanks them for all the opportunities they have given her.

Rhythm of Heartbreak (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now