chapter 16 meet reporter's and ozpin dark secret

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As Y/n is getting scolded by girl's include childhood freind C/n. Volt and starlight went back in lab for figure put unknown data. As for Drago and sakura both decide eat outside of union academy.
They travel by bus since union academy is near town. As bus stop, both got out, notice cafe near by and is open.
Sakura: Drago lets try cafe.
Drago: alright.
What drago does not know Sakura fall in love with him. She wants confess but still afraid he well reject her.
Sakura:'i can do this, just confess to him.'
They walk in a pretty well clean cafe, with fresh smell of coffee and treats as well.

Both seat on table with two chair, a waitress came by for thier order

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Both seat on table with two chair, a waitress came by for thier order.
Waitress: what can i get you today.
Sakura: strawberry shortcake and lemonade.
Drago: coffee and apple pie.
She left get their orders, sakura nervous right now which drago notice it.
Drago: sakura are you alright?
Sakura blush:
Sakura think for few minutes and sigh to be ready.
Sakura: dra...
???: God damn it!
Bouth shake see other table with two other people. Girl wih a small pony tail, a purse and well dress with glasses.

???: pleaes calm down

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???: pleaes calm down.
A young man, have coat, dress welll and he have camera with him all time.

???: jean you dont get it, ozpin is hiding something! Sakura:'ozpin hiding something?'Drago:'what those two talking about?' Jean: lala i known you upset

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???: jean you dont get it, ozpin is hiding something!
Sakura:'ozpin hiding something?'
Drago:'what those two talking about?'
Jean: lala i known you upset...
Lala: upsets yes im upset, we talk to every student from union academy. Those information are about day the villans attack union academy!
Sakura:'villans attack Union?'
Drago:'we never inform about this day.'
Jean: we keep heafing dead end, lala only information is give us lead is young man name Y/n shadow.
Both shock hear this so drago got up and walk towards them with sakura follow.
Drago: excuse me
Both turn see drago and sakura, both whant answer.

Few minutes later

Jean: i see
After drago tell them their name and relation to Y/n.
Lala: you guys never been inform of villan attack?
Sakura: Yes
Drago: tell us what you known.
Jean: ok, villan attack Union academy is stranges day ever. Out nowhere league of villans, grimms and few attack Union academy.
Sakura: But this is weird?
Drago: because league never strike without plan.
Lala: yeah put few things you should know, few heros and hunter went missing inlude rose girl uncle name Crow brewen.
Sakura: is ruby umcle
Jean: no one see any one since that day, still mystery that they vanish out of trace.
Drago: ok i need to knkwm what ozpin doing to my friend Y/n.
Lala took out folder, and open them, see picture of Y/n in combat trainings agaist cardin. Another photo show oz follow Y/n, tp combat and his dorm as well. Then few picture of him asleep in his room as well.
Drago: what is this!
Sakura: oh god.
Jean: a year ago, we talk to few student about thier lives in union until one them tell is about ozpin habit.
Then shows oz leave union academy, and took ride in a black car, is very shade way.
Lala: ozpin begins leaving union academy every month. And we can't find him anywhere.
Jean: we cant figure out what is ozpin is doing?
Sakura: ozpin does creep me out.
Lala:but mystery gets deep, Y/n parents known ozpin!
Sakura: No way.
Drago: this reallytip mystry now.
Jean: yeah, we got information about this days ago.
Dakura: any idea who sent this?
Both: no
Drago: if this is case, then assume other headmaster have no idea pzpin up too or anypne as well.
Tabke silent as sakura notoce a paper havewhite mark.
Sakura: what this?
On paper with few line cut out but is said Project: Z/n.
Sakura: Project: Z/n?
Jean: that information have me worry....
Lala: we cant figure out what is Project: Z/n?
Drago: some how this name look familiar.....
Waitress: here your order guys.
Jean sigh: lets just eat and we talk about this after.
Lala: alright.
Sakura: lets eat now.
Drago: agree 'ozpin what is you planning inolve my friend Y/n'.
As they injoy their food, back at union in ozpin office.

TTheir ozpin os alone and look over files he have

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TTheir ozpin os alone and look over files he have.
Ozpin: after years of waiting, Y/n show intelligence, could be sign of his aura, qurick or sacred gear is about unleashed.
In deep hidden lab, show test tube of all experiments but 5 test tube have name on it.

Four names are:

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Four names are:

Project: silver eyes

Project: midoryia

Project: Shadow

Project: issei

But one have multiple chain om him, have glass cover by ice but abke see his eyes.
Ozpin: is time Y/n meet his long lost twin brother.
His eye ipen up angrybeith dark sura like powrr ready unleashes to world.
What connetion is ozpin with Y/n family, what secret well be revealed to world?

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