chapter 11 coco bet velvet , Atlas championship, dark bakugan revealed

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Is been few days since vail deaths, demon clan are not happy with last of bloodline die. Izuku is training with all might to control one for all and Ddraig help izuku to get used to boosted gear.
Sames goes jaune, he figure out his semblance, Aura Amp and train by Albion to control the power of divided power. Y/n hang with ruby and velvet, strange part no one seen coco, about few days. Bakugo and yang got suspended after they try to break into Y/n home.
Y/n: hey have no one see coco.
Sakura playing chess with drago, while volt just came back from his training, and starlight just ate.
They: no.
Y/n got suspicious about coco is not there, their teammates begin to worry.
Then velvet run in crying and hug Y/n fast.
Y/n: velvet what's wrongs?
Velvet crying: is coco.
Y/n: coco?, what's she did this time.
Velvet: she bet on me and force me in arrange marriage.
Everyone: SHE DID WHAT!
starlight: she can't do that?
Volt: this not end well.
Drago: what the hell!
Sakura: she is so dead.
Y/n: I'm gonna tear her apart!
He grab his bakugan and head towards coco room. As he got there,she not their, as their notes for velvet to read.
Ozpin resorts us to arena quick now.
From coco
Velvet look down, and grab her stuff.
Velvet: sorry y/n
She run crying, and Y/n well have word with coco.
Glynda: have everyone report to arena.
As students left, y/n have bad feelings about this. As his team sits down, they notice Ironwood is speaking.
Ironwood: hello everyone, atlas happy announcing the atlas well held first championship.
Play on screen show arena is being build.

Ironwood: when arena is being build and finsh, the championship well start

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Ironwood: when arena is being build and finsh, the championship well start. But first team cfvy volunteer to fight with our strongest brawler in atlas academy.
Got Y/n and his team high alert, coco team battle another bakugan brawler.
Volt: wait minutes, was Ironwood came to see your battle with issei month ago.
Y/n eyes widen and look at arena, now he just figure out.
Y/n: damit, Ironwood"s scientist just figure out how to male there own bakugan.
While that happen, fox and yatsuhashi are watching velvet and coco are arguing.
Velvet: I can't believe you did that coco!
Coco: what, that problem?
Velvet: you know I'm in love with Y/n!
Coco: don't care I never like that guy.
As coco walk out to arena, velvet keep crying, yatsuhashi help their team and fox try to understand why coco did that.
On other side arena, a blue hair girl talk to her.

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Y/n: the mechanical brawler of Darkus and Pyrus Where stories live. Discover now