Chapter 6 : Take it to My Grave

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A newly open bakery...

If it's at this time then, it must be the heroine's house... The heroine moved from a certain countryside to the middle of the Columbi Fiefdom after her father's death. Because her family's finance has always come from her father, the heroine's mother decided to use their remaining savings to open a bakery in the town.

I've tried their stuff before on my previous life... I must say, it was simply delightful.

Now that I think about it... There's already a melon bread in this era huh? Well, this is a fiction world after all...

"My lady, we have arrived."

"Ah yes, thank you."

I step out of the carriage with the help of Asher, one of the talented knight in Calyx Order that has been assigned to me. He's only 10 years old this year, yet he's been trusted to protect me already.

In my previous life he was also assigned to me. Morana would often lock herself up in her room, but Asher still diligently work despite not doing anything except standing in front of my room's door.

"We've been expecting you Lady Coventry. Please follow me this way."

I looked around as we walked through the hallways. As usual, the garden is indeed magnificent. The Euphorbias is in full-bloom signalling that summer is coming.

"Oh! There she is!" The owner of the voice approached me cheerfully as he always does.

"I've been waiting for you, Lady Morana!" Elroy exclaimed when he took my hand and pulled me to the gazebo. A familiar figure has also been waiting there.

The silver haired boy stood up and bowed to me before suggesting the seat beside him for me to sit.

Well there's no need to give me a signal to where I would sit though... Since Elroy has seated me on it anyway.

I awkwardly turned to Seth and give him a little bow back to him, "The crown prince is sure are lively as usual."

"Seems like we shared the same thoughts, my lady."

"That's because you two are such a bummer! That's why I need to be the one who lifts up the mood." Elroy interrupt us while pouting cutely.

"I don't remember her being this collected on our first meeting."

If... If what I heard that time was not wrong...

There's a high chance that Elroy is being reborn like me.

The only difference is maybe Elroy is the real Elroy, meanwhile I'm Shino Fuyuko that got reincarnated as Morana.

I came to this conclusion because in my memory, I give out a composed gesture towards everyone I meet for the first time. If anything, I won't even be nervous towards someone around my age just because that's how I am originally.

"Oh right... The other day, I heard the maids in our house talking about your highness and lady Morana... Is it true that you two are getting engaged?" Seth started after he took a sip out of his tea cup.

"No we're not... But it is true that father and mother has been pushing me to choose a girl to become my fiancé. I don't really like the idea of it though."

"I couldn't agree more with you, prince Elroy." I sighed as I took a sip. "My father is trying to convince me to accept it... Even though I already refused the idea of being engaged... Ha..."

"It must be hard for you two."

"Though I wouldn't really mind if it's Lady Morana. But if Lady Morana herself doesn't want it then I would never accept something like that."

Oh? We've just meet in only a week yet he already trusted me that much? My suspicion is getting stronger...

"If I were in your place I honestly would also do the same, Roy." Seth said as he leaned back at his chair. "The adults sure have a lot of time on their hands to be matchmaking their childrens here and there."

"I know right, I'd rather they use those free time to think about how to fix their fiefdom's tax problems."

Ah... They started ranting.

The Elroy and Seth that I knew has always puts up a good image in front of other people, no matter who their opponent is.

But... When they're alone with me, they always rant about smallest problems they had.

Maybe it's because of stress.

Or maybe it was my charisma, since my former friends from my previous life also rants a lot to me without me asking.

Or maybe it was Morana has a lot of similarities with me.

We both are introverted.

We both listens to our companions' problems all the time.

We both choosed to die.

Maybe whichever god there is that reincarnated me in Morana's body, find this similarities to be convenient and they decide to reincarnate me in this body.

Though... All of this... Is slowly eating my sanity.

I can't help but feel anxious when I think about what if I really can't die even after I get the happy ending for Morana.

For me the only happy ending...

Is to die.

"Morana? Are you okay? Your face is pale." Elroy puts a hand on my forehead, snapping me out of my trail of thoughts.

"It's okay... I'm okay, prince Elroy, sir Seth. I was just thinking about the nightmare I had yesterday."

Elroy carefully took my right hand in his, "Care to share it with us? Maybe it can help you lessen up a bit..."

I faintly smiled at him and shooked my head, "It was just a silly dream. There's nothing to worry about. Thank you for your worry, your highness."

"Are you sure? If anything happens let me know okay? I'm always available to hear you out."

"Let us know. I too, shall be available to hear you out at all times, Lady Morana."

"Sir Seth... Your highness Elroy... Thank you... I shall do so in the future." I gazed at the two of them. Feeling the warm and fuzzy feeling I felt back then at my birthday.

Even when I have given up on life, maybe I should still treasure this moments with me.

Maybe something would change.

I shall take these memories to my grave.

So I won't feel any regret, when the time finally come.

• • •

"Ah, your highness, you'd just call me by my name earlier right?"

"Eh? Ah... My apologies, it was on impulse since I was worried about you Lady Morana..."

"Oh no, please you can just call me by my name when we're in private. There's no need for honorifics. The same goes for you too, sir Seth."

"Really??? Then... Morana?"

"Yes, Crown prince?"


"How can I help you, prince Elroy?"


"Y-yes, Elroy?"

"That's it! That's the one!"

"Roy, don't pressure Morana more than this."

"Even Seth immediately drops off the honorifics when given permission?! Will it possibly be raining today?!"

"Cut it off, Roy."

"Hehe, you two sure gets along well."

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