Chapter 4 : Companions

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Huh? What? How?

The crown prince isn't supposed to be here. What is he doing here? Why- Huh????

Elroy Citrine Jadeite, he's the current crown prince in our kingdom, Vrisite Kingdom. In the original story, Elroy title as the crown prince got stripped from his crown prince title just because he was not betrothed to anyone. Meanwhile his brother, Edward got together with the MC or the villainess. Though, many nobles were opposing to the idea of Edward being the next king and most of them is in Elroy's faction.

Why are they siding with Elroy? The answer is simple.

Edward is too much of romanticist rather than a ruler.

Elroy, Luca and baron Anemone's son, Seth Anemone were the best of friends. Through it, Morana meets Elroy for first time in the academy and become quite a good friends with him.

So why is he here? It's still far away until the day we're supposed to meet each other...

Calm down. If you just stood here he'll get suspicious of you.

I shouldn't call him by his name either, because I don't know him yet in this life.

"Greetings... May I know who you are...?" Uh oh, I think that was too formal for a child.

"Oh my, my apologies. I shall introduce myself." He said as he bowed properly to me. "Good day, my name is Elroy Citrine Jadeite. It's nice to meet you, my lady."


What should I do... I'm not even the slightest surprised to this reveal...

I bow to him in return and introduced myself. "Long life to the crown prince. My name is Morana Lunaria van Coventry. It is a great honor to have you here at my birthday today."

The boy chuckled. I look up to see what is he laughing at. Surely, he's not laughing at me... right?

"Ah my apologies. It's just, you're much more calmer than I expected."

"I don't remember her being this collected on our first time meeting."


"Pardon me?"

"Ah, it's nothing. I'm just mumbling to myself." Elroy just smiled like always and brush off the topic.

Did I hear it wrong?

No, something is definitely up with Elroy. It's already too suspicious for him to be here at my birthday party. If my memory is correct, he was supposed to decline the invitation because he was busy doing something.

"Shall we drink some tea first while waiting for the others to arrive, my lady?"

"Ah yes, please have a seat, crown prince Elroy."

"You may just call me by Roy."

"Oh no, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to do something improper as that towards the crown prince."

"Haha, lady Morana sure is mature for a 5 years old."

"I could say the same to you, your Highness." Elroy just laugh again as if this was a normal conversation for a couple of 5 years old to have.

"Ah, crown prince, you're here." Another familiar voice chimes into our conversation.

It's him.

"You finally came! Come here sit down with us!" Elroy showed the empty seat beside him to the silver blonde haired boy.

The boy walked towards the two of us and bowed towards Elroy. Then he stand up straight before bowing again towards me this time, "Lady Coventry, thank you for the invitation to celebrate this joyful day together. May the Goddess Chloris bless you with a long life."

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