Chapter 5 : Invitation

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I hurriedly walk towards the commotion as I hear Luca's voice.

"What is it? A fight?"

"Seems like it's a fight between the son of Columbi family and the Coventry family."

"My, Kids these days are so lively."

I excused my way through the crowd and arrived at the scene. "Luca!"

"Ah, sister!" Luca hurriedly moves his little legs towards my direction and hides behind me.

"Wha- Luca, what's happening?"

"That guy spilled a juice over a girl's dress and didn't even apologize! He even blame the girl for it and pushes her causing her to fall!" Luca pointed at the said boy angrily. I looked to the side, where the girl is sobbing quietly clinging unto her now bloody knee.

"Huh?! It's not my fault that chick is weak! I just pushed her a little and she already fall!" The boy, of cousin it's non other than Ivan Columbi himself.

This event doesn't happen in my first life... It must be because I told father to not get a fiance. In my first life, by now we should be listening to father and count Columbi discussion on how to announce our engagement...

Ugh, this boy as expected is a troublemaker. He could've handled a lady more tenderly.

But then again, Luca is also wrong for hitting him...

Sighing, I bowed down deeply towards the young noble. "Lord Columbi, please forgive my brother's rudeness. I swear to Chloris that he's usually a gentle child."

"Sister?! Why are you the one apologizing?!"

"Tch, if you know that you're in the wrong than that's fin-"

"Forgive me for being rude, but I would like you to understand that you're also in the wrong here."


"It's simply wrong to use violence towards anyone. Lord Columbi clearly knows that you didn't meant to bump into the lady and spilled drinks all over her dress, yet instead of apologizing, you pushed her to the ground even though you're the one who bumps into her."

"So? What are you saying?"

"I would like you to apologize to the young lady."

"Huh?! No way! Why would I do something like that?"

"Oh? Is the son of Count Columbi doesn't know how to simply apologize? Even though he's the one who's wrong?"

"Ugh...!" Guess that made him shut up.

He silently gave in and walked to towards the young lady and bowed before running away with a look of embarrassment.

Huff, it sure is satisfying to finally win against that jerk.

"My... How mature of her..."

"As expected from today's main flower!"

"I wonder how does the marquess Nelson and marchioness Hestia teaches their daughter to be that thoughtful?"

Uhmm I sure can't get used to these compliments. I thought as I rubbed both of my cheeks to lessen the blush I'm getting.

"Thank you sister!" Luca whispered to me happily before going to the injured lady. We brought her to one of the gazebo and treated her wounds.

"Sheria!" I heard a familiar voice, huffing from running towards this place.

"Are you okay? I hear the count's son is picking on you." The platinum haired boy said worriedly as he take a look at the girl's wound.

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