Chapter 9 : Day Off

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"You sure are a nice girl, lady Morana."

"Oh, you're too kind, baroness Bianka."

"How do you think about taking our Seth hm? I'm sure he would treat you well."

"Mother, stop it. You're making her uncomfortable."

"Why not~? You don't like her, Sethy?"

"It's not like that... And please don't call me that in front of other people..."

Five years passed, I'm now 15 years old. Currently, I'm visiting baron Anemone's estate because Sheria, Seth's little sister, need some help with her economy studies.

After that, Seth's mother invited me to a cup of tea as she usually does.

The baroness Bianka really likes to call me over and talk about a lot of things. I've become quite close to her, since I ask her a tip or two about socializing in amongst the adult nobles from time to time.

And with Seth officially becoming my personal knight recently, it's become more obvious for me to visit her every now and often.

"Speaking of which, lady Morana. Are you planning to enter the academy this year?" Baroness Bianka said before she took a sip out of her teacup.

"Yes... Surely I have no choice but to accept the invitation right?"

"You were thinking of not attending it Luna?" Seth chimed in, calling me by my nickname.

It's been ten years after all. It's normal for us to call each other by our nicknames when we're not in public.

I nodded at Seth, "I was thinking to just get a tutor coming to our house... But of course father and mother strictly refused the idea."

"Haha, surely they just want you to have the best education." Baroness Bianka chuckled. I just nodded and simply smiled at her.

It was true that I thought of refusing the academy's invitation. Just because I don't want to bother with the game's timeline. But alas, you can't deny the academy's invitation that easily without a really strong reason. With my reputation of the insignia magic founder, I can't even avoid being invited to the academy.

As I finished talking to baroness Bianka, Seth insisted on sending me home since it was already late.

"Sorry about the thing my mother said earlier."

"Don't worry about it, I've heard something of the sort all the time. Whether it was at home or at Elroy's place." I deadpanned as I rub my temples.

"I'm really sorry..."

"It's not your fault. Don't worry too much about it."

Some seconds passes by with only silence in the air.

Though it was not an awkward silence, I feel something's quite not right.

Oh, I know this feeling.

Something like this happened all the time in my previous life and my first life as Morana.

I feel empty.

Maybe it's because of my lingering depression.

Maybe it's because the anxiousness I get, since the main story will begin in just a year.

Or maybe it's just because that's how I am.

Broken, empty, and emotionally exhausted all the time.

"We have arrived, Lady Morana, Sir Seth."

Seth gets down first and offered his hand for me, which I gladly accepted.

The Sunfish Lady Decides To Live [Original Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora