Chapter 3 : Familiar Faces

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Morana's 5th birthday has finally come.

"My lady, how do you want your hair to be styled today?"

"I'll leave it up to you, Marisol."

Ha... Being a noble lady is really troublesome, especially on a day like this. Getting dressed up, getting your hair done, make up and stuff... Things that I don't like whether in this life nor in my previous life.

Anyways, let's run down on my plans for today.

Today I will be meeting Ivan for the first time in this life. I will try to stay as far away as possible from him, since he's the son of Count Columbi, I can't avoid him completely.

Following it, Morana and Luca will also meet their childhood friends in this party. Baron Anemone is a great friend of father since back then in the academy and their childrens are also childhood friends with each other. I need to make friends with them once more if I want to succeed becoming a knight.

If I can beat Baron Anemone's son... Father will definitely acknowledge my skills.

Baron Anemone's son, Seth Anemone. He's a talented knight himself, even more talented than Ivan if I must say. But his status is just of a Baron's son that's loyal to the marquess' family. His family status made his skill as a knight invisible in the noble society, even to the players of the game too.

In my first life as Morana, I watched him countlessly train hard under the guidance my family's order, the Calyx order.

...He's incredibly good. Even Luca is having a hard time against him. I wonder if my fencing skill can go up against that...

Knock knock

"Luna, are you ready?"

"Mother... Good Morning." I gave mother a small smile. Marchioness Hestia van Coventry, she's only a stepmother to Morana, but she treated Morana like she's her own daughter.

But because she treat her like her own daughter, she's very strict to Morana and teaches her about etiquettes and all stuff about how to live as a proper lady from a rather young age. The already broken OG Morana, pressured by it, decided to close her heart to both her own father and Marchioness Hestia.

'...That's at least what I had experienced in my last life... The game never told us the official story of why Morana closed her heart even to her family...' I thought to myself as I walked with mother to our garden, where my birthday party is hold.

"Remember, it's okay for you to play as much as you like today since it's your special day. But, just don't cause any big trouble okay?"

"Don't worry mother, I'll watch Luca carefully so he wouldn't pick fights with the others."

"Haha, you know me so well, Luna."

Eventho Luca is the kuudere capture target, Luca as a child is a little bit of a troublemaker. Though, because of that gap moe, he has become the 2nd most popular capture target in the game.

(*Kuudere: The calm and collected, cool character)

I do hope he won't pick any fights with anyone today though...

• • •

"Morana, meet Countess Columbi and her son." I bowed to the two Columbis in a proper manner. "A pleasure to meet you, Countess Columbi. My name is Morana Lunaria van Coventry."

"Oh my, what a polite little lady you have, Marquess Coventry."

"Haha, I'm glad to have a daughter like her as well."

Ha... I can't believe I have to bow down to that annoying face.

"Ivan! Stop making improper faces to the Marquess and his daughter! It's impolite!"

"My apologies." The future Count scowled as he went to one of the desserts table.

Sigh. He never change.

"Dear Picus, I'm very sorry of my son's behavior."

"Haha, it's okay, Countess Columbi. It's good to know that your son is healthy." So that's where Morana and Luca's perseverance came from. No wonder, Morana can endure all of those high society talks about her.

"You can go now Morana. Go make a lot of friends hm?"

"Yes, father. Please excuse me, Countess." I bowed again before leaving the two adults.

It's good to know that nothing has changed. I can just go with the plot while trying to survive and make a decent reputation as the marquess's daughter. Morana isn't really relevant to the story anyways.

I walked to the garden's gazebo since it will be the place for the noble kids to talk and get to know each other. It wouldn't hurt to arrive early right? In the mean time I can just enjoy my time to mysel--

"Oh? I didn't think anyone else other than me would arrive here early. Apologies, my lady."

My eyes widen as I stared at the boy standing before me.


That blonde hair, that bright orange eyes, that distinguishable smile...

I know this person.



God of the Sky.
Worshipped by pupil of the Columbi Territory.

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